Family - Grandparents - Marriage - Recipes

Beginning the Day with Morning Coffee

In 2016 I wrote a blog post commemorating our anniversary (and our morning coffee). I was brought back six years as I read the post. Since then changes have taken place.

My mother and brother have both passed away. I am no longer travelling to Michigan every other month. They are at rest.

Our family has expanded. We now have ten grandchildren and it is a blessing to spend time with them. In our troubled time, children need the loving protection of family!

My husband and I continue to enjoy morning coffee together. We read two chapters of the Bible together and it sets our day in a positive tone. (And our reading voices are improving.)

As I wrote in the 2016 post, here is our recipe for a great cup of coffee. We grind our own beans. While I will measure the coffee grounds (5 rounded tablespoons for 10 cups of water), my husband puts the beans in the grinder and dumps all of the ground coffee in the filter paper lined basket. He is certain that he has placed the right amount of beans in the grinder. We add a dash of salt to take away the bitter edge of coffee and some cardamon seeds (a scant ¼ teaspoon).

After the coffee has brewed I add ¼ teaspoon of coconut oil and some cream to my coffee. So good!

Sharing this post with the Five Minute Friday Writing community .

Carol is a follower of Jesus and a wife, mom & grandma. She worked for many years as a childbirth nurse and prenatal educator. She has retired from clinical work. She has written articles for nursing journals and devotionals. Her novel, Aliisa's Letter, was published in 2010 and she is currently working on another project.

6 Comments on “Beginning the Day with Morning Coffee

  1. I love your recipe for coffee. I need to grind my own beans again. (I used to….) but I never knew about that pinch of salt! Hmm. I really do not like that bitter edge. Have a wonderful week ahead!!

  2. Word of God and pot of coffee,
    perfect way to start the day,
    reading jointly, praying softly,
    hearing what He has to say.
    Holding hands, heads bowed together,
    holding God in willing hearts
    that no matter what the weather
    love and faith will not depart.
    So much value in tradition,
    table set and chairs await,
    a safe place from world’s perdition,
    Jesus guarding at the gate
    that His sheep may safely graze
    all throughout their earthly days.

  3. What a cool recipe! I’ve never put salt or cardamon in my coffee, but I’m game for trying new things! And what a beautiful tradition of reading the Bible together :).

  4. Nothing like starting our day with God’s word and coffee. I may have to try your recipe.

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