• Faith

    Sunrise and Refreshed Faith

    The first chapter of Luke provides the only details about Elizabeth and Zechariah, the parents of John the Baptist. They are described as righteous and blameless. Elizabeth is barren. The angel Gabriel appears to Zechariah in the temple and astonishes him with the announcement that he will have a son. Because he is…

  • Faith - Prayer

    A Divided Country: How Do We Fix it?

    We can’t fix ourselves. We know that. The Bible explains our situation and our nature. My husband and I are following a plan to read through the Bible in a year. We are reading about the faith and failures of people. The problem of sin. God promises to send a…

  • Faith - Family - Prayer

    Faith and Hope for 2021

    On New Year’s Eve I wrote the following words. As 2020 slips into sunset, I look forward with hope that the new year will bring a revival of faith, renewed health and joy. And yet, just a few days in, the pandemic continues and the political tension is increasing. I…

  • Faith - Family

    Mom at Rest: December 14, 2020

    For the past few years Mom was a resident in Porter Hills nursing home. Her memory and physical mobility were declining. And then the pandemic came and visits were restricted. Mom was alone more and placed on hospice care. We were grateful when in person visits were allowed once more.…

  • Faith - Prayer

    Beyond the Sunset

    Beyond the Sunset is a hymn that I remember from childhood. My Dad had a good voice and sang this with joy. Here are the words to the first verse: Beyond the sunset, O blissful morning, When with our Savior heaven is begun, Earth’s toiling ended, O glorious dawning; Beyond…

  • Children - Christmas - Faith

    Present in Advent

    Last Sunday was the first Sunday in Advent. With joy we turn our attention to God’s gift of love. Jesus came as an infant to fully participate in our human experience, and then provide a sacrifice for our sins. Jesus as newborn baby and Son of God was presented at…

  • Faith - Family - Herbs

    Giving Thanks in 2020

    Thanksgiving was different this year. We exchanged dishes with my daughter’s family but enjoyed the meal in our separate homes. My granddaughter made a delicious bundt cake and dinner rolls. Another granddaughter made the cranberry sauce. I made my traditional cornbread stuffing. We all had a wonderful meal. In the…

  • Faith - Prayer

    Global Reset or Global Prayer

    Last night I didn’t sleep well. I have grief over the state of our country. We are experiencing limited social interaction, censorship, financial pressures and school closures. I am most concerned when I hear world leaders talking about a Global Reset or a New World Order. Del Bigtree had a…

  • Faith - Flowers - Gardening - Herbs

    Saving Seeds with Hope

    The leaves are falling. Red gold and bronze. I have been raking the leaves, thankful for the outdoor activity. My miniature rose bush has surprised me, continuing to bloom even though we have had some nights of frost. The bright red blooms bring joy. The garden has been put to…

  • Book Reviews - Faith

    Year of Disappointment: An Anchor for the Soul

    This year, 2020, might be called the year of disappointment. Everyone has been affected by the pandemic whether it be financially, socially or physically.  The politics in our country has been hard to watch. We have flawed men seeking the presidency. The recent revelations of corruption are disheartening. The bias…