The mint in my backyard has flowered; tiny white flowers make a wreath around the stem. I pause to wonder at the delicate loveliness. The phlox are a bright spot of color. I can see them from my kitchen window. The elderberries are getting ripe. I will make elderberry juice/syrup…
Children Are A Gift from God
Kate’s prompt for Five Minute Friday is: FIVE. Once inspired, we write for five minutes (more or less). At first I considered writing about my five favorite herbs, or maybe five summer recipes. And then I made another connection. I have three grandchildren that are five years old. Children are…
An Honest Prayer
They arrive in the middle of the summer . . . For the past several years the leaves on my cherry tree and raspberry bushes have been devoured by beetles. Only the veins of the leaf remain after Japanese beetles have had their feast. So I have been devising strategies…
Mulling Over a Verse from Proverbs on the 4th of July
The Scripture of the Day (from I-Bible) is: Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people. I mulled over this verse as I spent time in the garden, thinking about the 4th of July. A history book mentioned that one of the founding fathers of our…
Around the World with Prayer
So Peter was kept in prison, but earnest prayer for him was made to God by the church. Acts 12:5 Do you know the rest of the story? An angel led Peter out of prison and he went to the house where people were praying. When he knocked on the…
Soccer Games and a Town in Kansas
This week I watched some of the FIFA Women’s World Cup while I was sorting papers, clearing up clutter. The athletes ran back and forth across the field. They were bumped and kicked, falling on the ground in pain. Then they would get up and run again in the relentless…
Living Well, Reflecting on the Psalms
Every morning my husband and I read a Psalm together before we begin the day. Today we are on Psalm 115. We have read psalms of praise, lament and remembrance. Memories of crossing the Red Sea and the years in the Wilderness are recorded. God’s power over the Red Sea…
Culture Informed by Worldview
The prompt for Five Minute Friday is: CULTURE This topic has been on my mind for a couple of weeks, stimulated by a book I am reading. Worldview: a particular philosophy of life or conception of the world Culture: a) a particular stage of advancement in civilization b) the characteristic…
The View of Jerusalem from the Mount of Olives: Visiting Gethsemane
In 2012 my husband and I made a trip to Israel with a group of friends from our church. It was amazing to see the places that we had read about in the Bible. The two weeks in Israel were an encouragement to our faith. When we went to Jerusalem…
A Storm on the Sea of Galilee and Fleas in the Concentration Camp
We lived in troubled times and sometimes it is difficult to discern truth. It is hard to know how we should respond to things happening around us. Looking back over the centuries, this has always been the case in human history. It is thought that the writer of the book…