Last night we attended our granddaughter’s graduation from high school. Each speaker mentioned the pandemic because these students spent their freshman year at home. Their classes were online. But they persevered and are now celebrated for their achievement. I am proud of my granddaughter’s hard work! My thoughts returned to…
Letters from Peter and Paul
Peter and Paul wrote encouraging letters to the church during challenging times. These letters are for us also! Many of the letters wrap advice with a final thought. Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there…
Three Good Books
In the Land of Blue Burqas by Kate McCord The author of this book has a pseudonym to protect herself and the experiences that she relates. She worked at an NGO in Afghanistan, providing service to poor Afghan women. She was there for five years. As I read this book,…
The Greatest Love
It is Good Friday. I am remembering scenes recorded in the Bible that show Jesus’ great love. He prepared for his crucifixion with prayer. Then Jesus went with them to a place called Gethsemane, and he said to his disciples, “Sit here, while I go over there and pray. And…
Holy Week: Joy and Pain
Last week we were in Kansas. The sky was blue with some puffy white clouds and trees were beginning to unfurl their leaves. Blossoms were opening. This morning (back home) I woke up to the ground covered in snow and snowflakes still falling. The joy of spring. The return of winter.…
Women’s History Month: A Book Review
Throughout history there have been women who have made a difference. The Bible records the story of the midwives, Shiphrah and Puah, who stood up to Pharaoh in the first book of Exodus. And there is Hannah (mother of Samuel), Ruth from Moab and Queen Esther. Recently I read a…
Finding Respite in Scripture
Recently two friends have raised political issues in the e-mails we exchange. One friend wanted me to read a book about the divisions between Christians caused by their political views, berating conservatives. The other friend wanted me to view the documentary about Christian Nationalism. There is so much happening in…
Equipping Our Family
We live in a challenging time. There are many distractions and deceptions in social media. Do you worry about the influence of our culture on children and grandchildren? I do. What can we do? As we seek God through prayer and His word, He will guide us. When you pass…
Across the Ocean
When my grandmother was nineteen years old, she came across the ocean by boat. She made her way to Upper Michigan by train. Two of her brothers had settled there. She left behind her mother, father, sisters and brothers whom she never saw again. She didn’t forget them. She wrote…
Daniel’s Example: A Life of Faith
People of faith are recorded in the Bible. Currently I am studying Daniel who lived in exile. Despite being separated from Israel and living in Babylon, he kept his faith in God. The 9th chapter of the book of Daniel records that Daniel was reading the words of Jeremiah. He prayed…