People of faith are recorded in the Bible. Currently I am studying Daniel who lived in exile. Despite being separated from Israel and living in Babylon, he kept his faith in God. The 9th chapter of the book of Daniel records that Daniel was reading the words of Jeremiah. He prayed…
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Women Who Risk: Book Review
Tom and Joann Doyle have written a book about the testimony of eight Muslim women. The book provides a window into their life experiences. After each women’s story, the authors provide the text of Joann’s interview with her. Women Who Risk was published in 2021. The setting is Syria, Lebanon,…
Vaccine Research and Abortion
In 2015 I wrote about vaccines developed from developing babies that were aborted. This type of research has been going on for as long as abortion was legal, as I learned. I came across a link to a Finnish research article that detailed experimentation with live fetuses during abortions. This research…
Remember and Give Thanks
When I was looking over my list of prayer requests, I realized that some of the requests had already been answered. I thought about the ways that I have seen God at work in my life. It is important to remember, to store up our life experiences of God’s love…
Bethlehem and the Women
The account in the Bible of Naomi & Ruth and Elizabeth & Mary is a wonderful part of the Christmas story. The friendship of women and the mentoring of young women by older women is apparent. Because of Naomi, Ruth came to Israel. We have a glimpse into their relationship…
A Book Review: The President’s Wife
Tracy Enerson Wood takes us back to 1915 in her novel, the President’s Wife. The book tells the story of Edith Galt’s marriage to President Woodrow Wilson. The wedding takes place during his first term in office. It was a bit of a scandal for the President to remarry so…
Humility and Thanksgiving
For the past couple of weeks our small group has been discussing humility. What does humility look like? Throughout scripture we see the character of God alongside human nature. God is the creator and redeemer. He is holy, righteous, just, merciful and loving. In contrast all people have sinned. We…
Why Choose Life?
In the U.S. state elections this past week abortion was a central issue. Ohio voted to enshrine abortion in their constitution. I am deeply saddened. In 1950 the U.S. fertility rate was 3.5 births per woman. The current fertility rate is 1.78 births per woman. In order to replace/maintain the…
Seasons and Thyme
When it snowed on Wednesday, I realized that the mild fall weather was turning towards winter. Thankfully I had brought my potted herbs indoors prior to the snow. It is a blessing to have fresh herbs year around. I have a sunny bay window that is the perfect spot for…
Branches of the Olive Tree
For to this end we toil and strive, because we have our hope set on the living God, who is the Savior of all people, especially of those who believe. 1 Timothy 4:10 The war in Israel is heartbreaking. The situation is complex. As Christians we need to pay attention and…