The snowdrops by the door lift upward, sweet and pure, their delicate bells; and soon in the calm blaze of noon, by lowly window-sills will laugh the daffodils! Celia Thaxter (1836 – 1894) The snowdrops and crocuses are blooming in my yard. The cherry tree is still barren but soon it…
The Cherry Tree, Bewildered Birds and a Recipe
The cherry tree is in the center of my backyard. The blossoms in April bring hope and the joy of springtime. The tree draws the robins who march around it possessively and perch on its branches. When it produces red cherries, I pause in wonder, reminded to give thanks for…
The Cherry Tree and Martin Luther: Life Lessons
My husband has offered to cut the cherry tree down. Several times. I was thrilled when the tree offered a bountiful harvest of cherries, sweet with a little tartness. Then came the year of brown rot and mold. We spent a week picking all the rotten fruit and cleaning up…
If you plant a cherry tree, you might want to know . . .
If you plant a cherry tree the birds will come. The robins love my cherry tree. One year a group of cedar waxwings came and perched on a branch passing cherries to each other. And little birds that I haven’t identified come. I don’t mind sharing some of the cherries—but…
Owls in My Cherry Tree
Every Friday the FMF community writes for five minutes on a prompt given by Kate Motaung. Sometimes the first five minutes of writing stimulates more thought, and I continue on . . . Today’s prompt is: EXPECT expect: to anticipate or look forward to the coming occurrence The sweet cherry…
Berries, Cherries and a Beetle Infestation
It is a good year for berries and cherries. I have been harvesting cherries, raspberries, currants and gooseberries. My cherry tree and berry bushes have been delightfully full of fruit. It is also a good year for the Japanese beetles. I have had some every year. It has been…