Spring is unfolding wonders all around. The cherry tree has blossomed and promises abundant cherries. The lilacs and lily of the valley are in bloom. A robin has built a nest in our garden shed. While my husband and I recovered from covid, the garden shed was an undisturbed place…
The Cherry Tree, Bewildered Birds and a Recipe
The cherry tree is in the center of my backyard. The blossoms in April bring hope and the joy of springtime. The tree draws the robins who march around it possessively and perch on its branches. When it produces red cherries, I pause in wonder, reminded to give thanks for…
The Cherry Tree and Martin Luther: Life Lessons
My husband has offered to cut the cherry tree down. Several times. I was thrilled when the tree offered a bountiful harvest of cherries, sweet with a little tartness. Then came the year of brown rot and mold. We spent a week picking all the rotten fruit and cleaning up…
When I Observe the Robins
One of the things I miss most during the current shutdown is my weekly trips to the local library. I know, I could get e-books, but I prefer the book that I can hold in my hand. I also like to check the library shelves holding new releases. So, instead…
Keeping a Positive Outlook During the Pandemic
Today I woke up to snow decorating the trees and covering the ground. I was drawn to spending time outside. The hyacinths in front of our house were still peeking up, despite the snow. The sound of many birds twittering and whistling filled the morning air. As I took a…
The Color Red in Spring
The robins are back Hopping across the green grass Displaying red breasts. While the cardinals Warble a sweet a melody Eluding my sight. High in tree branches This bird sings a song of joy To the Creator. Linking with Nature’s Notes, Seasons and Sue’s Wordless Wednesday