• Abortion - Health - Women

    After 50 Years

    In 1973 I was in my first year of practice as a registered nurse. I was working on a labor/delivery unit in a city hospital. I was shocked when an abortion by saline induction was done on our unit. Why, on a unit devoted to new life, was a baby…

  • Abortion - Women

    1865 and 2022: The Decisions

    In 2013 the movie, Lincoln, was released. I saw it twice in the theater. I learned about President Lincoln’s perseverance in getting the thirteenth amendment to the constitution passed–the amendment that abolished slavery. It was a tough fight because slavery had become woven into the fabric of our nation. The economy…

  • Abortion - Sexuality - Women

    After Roe

    The Law and Life Summit met this week in a nearby convention center. I was one of a few non-Catholics in attendance. I have learned from Catholics and respect the deep commitment they have to life. The conference opened with Rev. Frank Pavone (Priests for Life) participating in a dialogue.…