• Faith

    Luke’s Orderly Account

    Next week our women’s Bible study will begin a study of the gospel of Luke (meeting in my backyard). So I am reading and meditating on the first chapter as Luke relates the unfolding of God’s plan to send Jesus. The angel Gabriel visits Zechariah to announce that God has…

  • Faith

    Loud Songs of Joy

    Clap your hands, all peoples! Shout to God with loud songs of joy! Psalm 47:1 The pandemic has made it difficult for us to worship at church. In the beginning weeks of the lockdown I listened to the hymn sing led by the Getty family on Facebook. The hymns refreshed…

  • Book Reviews - Children - Faith

    Mercy in a Children’s Book

    A terrible accident took place in the hills of Switzerland. A child sustained a debilitating injury and one boy, Lucien, had provoked the accident.  This is how the story begins in Patricia St. John’s book, Treasures of the Snow. This book for children was first published in 1948. As I continued…

  • Faith - Gardening - Prayer

    The Right Life-map

    This past week I skipped my morning Bible study a couple of days. Instead I read a few articles in the newspaper at the breakfast table. The tension of our current time put my nerves on edge. I felt irritable. I drank more coffee and spent too much time on…

  • Faith - Health

    Smiles Behind the Mask

    Our library is open again! Yesterday I picked out a stack of books and a few DVDs. When I went to the desk to check out, the librarian commented on my stack. “Ah.looks like you are catching up on reading.” And I responded, “Actually I had a couple thicks books…

  • Faith - Marriage

    When and How to Compromise

    What comes to mind when you hear the word compromise? With the division that we see in politics, compromise doesn’t seem possible. In fact the divisiveness is so bitter that I have to limit my intake of news. I have been musing on this today. Certainly in marriage my husband…

  • Faith

    How to Have Hope

    The Bible does not shrink from telling us the ugly side of human history. God’s word tells us the truth, and clearly states that God’s desire for us is good. We need to seek God and His ways in every aspect of our lives.  “How you have helped him who has no…

  • Faith - Family - Grandparents

    Remembering with Hope

    Today we went to the cemetery and tended the family graves. We planted flowers and walked among the stones marking family members. As I read the names I was recalling family history. My husband’s grandparents immigrated from Holland in 1911. In 1918 they lost three of their children when scarlet…

  • Faith

    Finding Joy in a Difficult Season

    In so many ways life is not normal now. High school seniors are graduating without ceremony . . . the elderly are isolated in nursing homes without visitors . . . completely unexpected job loss . . . health care workers are furloughed. Currently I am reading the biography of…