Today is my wedding anniversary. As I reflect back on 42 years of marriage I am thankful for my husband and the way our relationship has refined us. There have been seasons in our marriage. At first we had to learn to live with each other. Children came early in…
A Joyful Answer to Prayer
When I assisted at home births I became more aware of the spiritual nature of childbirth. When labor reached a peak intensity, when the woman felt she couldn’t get through one more contraction, she asked for prayer. Sometimes the husband prayed or one of the attendants. I was asked to…
Verses About Love
In celebration of Valentine’s Day I have made a list of verses. The Bible has much to say about love. You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. Deuteronomy 6:5 For you, O Lord, are good and…
Seasons of Life
There are season of the year and seasons of life. Being transformed from a young professional to a mother . . . The wonder of motherhood and being stretched in mind and body. So quickly the days scurry by with play groups, preschool and …
Evidence Not Seen: Book Review
My daughter gave me a copy of the book, Evidence Not Seen. The book is a memoir by Darlene Deibler Rose. She was a missionary to the Dutch East Indies, and was in a prisoner of war camp on Celebes Island during WWII. I knew very little about what took…
Building a Home
It is day eight for #Write28Days. I am joining the Five Minute Friday Community and will write with Kate’s prompt for today: BUILD. One of the Songs of Ascents in the book of Psalms mentions building a house. The Hebrew word for house in the text is bayith. The definition,…
Wanting to Control: Learning to Release
It feels good when we think we are in control. As a mother I pursued the health of my children vigorously. I had been trained as a nurse at the University of Michigan. I believed in the medical profession and my ability to protect the health of my children. The…
Pierced and Embraced: Book Review
Sometimes I listen to the radio when I am in the car. At other times I prefer silence. One day I was listening to WMBI and heard an interview with Kelli Worrall. The topic of discussion was her book, Pierced and Embraced. The discussion piqued my interest and I jotted…
Imperfect Families
The Bible has stories about families. Our pastor reminded us that some of the stories show the dysfunction in families (Genesis 27 and 28). In the account of Esau and Jacob, the lies that were told when Jacob received the blessing of his father Isaac demonstrated the divide between family…
Mary and Elizabeth: An Example for Us
It seems right to start my series for the #Write28Days with two women from the Bible. The first two chapters of Luke tells us about Mary and Elizabeth. They are wonderful examples for us in three ways. Both women knew the old testament scriptures and the prophecies. Even though it…