The Bluebird Café and Bookstore is a charming shop, located on Main Street in Hutchinson, Kansas. Whenever I visit my daughter we make a trip to this bookstore. As I walked through the aisles this time a colorful picture book caught my eye. Christmas in the Barn was written by…
Thoughts on Motherhood
Motherhood is hard and self-sacrificing. As I look back I remember the fatigue, the laughter and tears, the hard questions and my shortcomings. The years have passed by quickly. Now I am a grandmother and I realize that God was refining me. I was blessed by the Lord’s guidance, the…
A Lifeline for Our Soul
The September heat wave is over. While the temperature soared into the 90s we did not get any rain, and my herbs needed frequent watering. I grow thyme, basil and dill in pots. The basil was always first to alert me. The leaves would begin to droop and I would…
Job’s Prayer is Acceptable
My Bible Lesson for this week focuses on the attributes of God. Scripture references in the book of Job point to God’s omniscience and omnipotence. This book reveals some deep truths. The book of Job gives clues to the scientific nature of our world. It also shows a relationship between…
New Insights About Health: The Microbiome
On Fridays I have been joining the Five Minute Friday community. We write for five minutes on a prompt given by Kate Motaung. Sometimes my thoughts continue a little beyond the five minutes–marked by //. To visit this inspiring community of writers, click here. Today’s prompt is: SUPPORT Yesterday I…
A Good Work
On Fridays I have been joining the Five Minute Friday community. We write for five minutes on a prompt given by Kate Motaung. Sometimes my thoughts continue a little beyond the five minutes–marked by //. To visit this inspiring community of writers, click here. Today’s prompt is: WORK Over the…
A Good Neighbor
Every Friday the FMF community writes for five minutes on a prompt given by Kate Motaung. To visit this inspiring community of writers, click here. Today’s prompt is: NEIGHBOR Like so many I have been watching the photos and videos of Hurricane Harvey. The floodwaters and misery are overwhelming—but so…
Speaking Up on Hot Topics
Every Friday the FMF community writes for five minutes on a prompt given by Kate Motaung. To visit this inspiring community of writers, click here. Today’s prompt is: SPEAK Through my experiences as a nurse, mother and grandmother I have come to believe that minimizing medications is a good thing.…
The Church in Turku
Every Friday the FMF community writes for five minutes on a prompt given by Kate Motaung. To visit this inspiring community of writers, click here. Today’s prompt is: PLACE While we were in Finland we visited Turku, a beautiful old city. It was the “capitol” of Finland when Finland was…
Trying, Persisting and Communicating
Every Friday the FMF community writes for five minutes on a prompt given by Kate Motaung. Sometimes the first five minutes of writing stimulates more thought, and I continue on . . . Today’s prompt is: TRY During the past two weeks I had the wonderful experience of attending a…