With lots of time at home I have been able to focus attention on gardening. My neighbor and I have shared tips and little plants across the back fence. I am looking forward to garden produce. This year I have added mushroom compost to the garden to help break up…
Rhythm of Life
The mint in my backyard has flowered; tiny white flowers make a wreath around the stem. I pause to wonder at the delicate loveliness. The phlox are a bright spot of color. I can see them from my kitchen window. The elderberries are getting ripe. I will make elderberry juice/syrup…
The Colors of Calendula
Calendula is a bright sunny flower and a herb. It has been called poor man’s saffron. The petals of the flower can be added to rice. The flowers can be dried for tea. I have enjoyed seeing the range of colors of that the flower displays from bright orange to…
Do These Flowers Like Sun or Shade?
Today I made my first trip to the farmer’s market this year. Early produce was set out in abundance: lettuce, swiss chard, kale, asparagus and strawberries. But the first booth I came to had flowers and plants, both annuals and perennials. When I saw the sweet williams, I wanted two…
Women & Children at Botanica
When we visited Botanica, the Wichita Gardens, I especially enjoyed the focus on women and children. There is a children’s garden area where they can water plants. The children can walk through monster trees and climb the stairs to a fairy house. The peonies, roses, irises and clematis were in…
When Spring Comes and the Flowers Appear Miraculously
For behold, the winter is past; the rain is over and gone. Song of Solomon 2:11 The flowers appear on the earth, the time of singing has come, and the voice of the turtle dove is heard in our land. Song of Solomon 2: 12 I watch my garden beds…
Colorful Foliage and Flowers in Northern Michigan
A week ago my husband and I were in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. We had six days mostly off the grid, reading and doing small projects. The day that we arrived it was raining. It rained a couple more days. One night we had thunder, lightening and a heavy…
Garden Notes: The Plants, Animals and Pests in My Yard
From spring to fall the garden is a place of wonder, amusement and challenge. Here are thirteen examples. The tulips are one of the first blooms in my yard. The scent of the lily of the valley is pleasing. I love how the little bells peek out from the green…
Petite Purple Irises and Stinging Nettle
It is the last day of February and my dwarf irises are blooming. I was surprised to see their purple petals as I returned home from a weekend trip. Winter isn’t over, but my tulip and hyacinth bulbs are sprouting leaves. What will our spring be like? My thoughts turn…
Lilac Bouquets
The lilacs are in bloom and I enjoy arranging them in bouquets. My grandmother had lilac bushes and the one in my yard was a shoot that I transplanted. His tenderness in the springing grass, His beauty in the flowers, His living love in the sun above– all here, and…