Spring is unfolding wonders all around. The cherry tree has blossomed and promises abundant cherries. The lilacs and lily of the valley are in bloom. A robin has built a nest in our garden shed. While my husband and I recovered from covid, the garden shed was an undisturbed place…
Seeking and Finding
When we pause to notice creation all around, us we become aware of provisions that demonstrate God’s love. Along the coast of Lake Superior, a bluebell flower emerges among the rocks. Along a path a trillium with petals sways in the breeze. The flowers appear on the earth, the time…
The Joy of Springtime
The rhythm that God has set in place give me a sense of stability and peace. He created days, nights, weeks and months. And God said, “Let there be lights in the expanse of the heavens to separate the day from the night. And let them be for signs and…
Faith Over Fear
In a Bible study, we have been discussing the gospel of Matthew. Jesus frequently mentions the kingdom of God throughout his teaching. Every person that repents of sin and becomes a follower of Jesus enters the kingdom of God. During Jesus’ time on earth there were divisive groups, social and…
Celebrating Springtime
Green is the color of spring time. The snow is melting and snowdrops are raising their white petals to the sun. I am looking forward to tulips and daffodils. I give thanks for the seasons and all that God has created in nature. In the soil, below the surface, plants…
Twelve Owls of Christmas
Owls have always fascinated me. I received a handcrafted owl, made in Finland, as a gift. This owl will make a hooting sound when you blow on the hole at its tailfeathers. At Christmas I enjoy taking out ornaments that have been packed away. I have a number of owls…
Refreshed by a Weekend in Michigan with My Sisters
Northern Michigan is at the height of fall color. My sisters and I enjoyed a road trip, taking in the vivid, glowing colors of the trees. Sun and shadow played on the orange and yellow leaves, lighting them up like gold. Red and green provided contrast. We hiked through a…
New Ideas for the Garden
With lots of time at home I have been able to focus attention on gardening. My neighbor and I have shared tips and little plants across the back fence. I am looking forward to garden produce. This year I have added mushroom compost to the garden to help break up…
When I Observe the Robins
One of the things I miss most during the current shutdown is my weekly trips to the local library. I know, I could get e-books, but I prefer the book that I can hold in my hand. I also like to check the library shelves holding new releases. So, instead…
Keeping a Positive Outlook During the Pandemic
Today I woke up to snow decorating the trees and covering the ground. I was drawn to spending time outside. The hyacinths in front of our house were still peeking up, despite the snow. The sound of many birds twittering and whistling filled the morning air. As I took a…