My grandson and I were looking out of the dining room window at the trees. The leaves were changing color. “See the linden tree—the leaves are turning yellow.” My grandson said, “But look at that tree. Its leaves are bronze.” In the distance we could see a tree with orange…
Do These Flowers Like Sun or Shade?
Today I made my first trip to the farmer’s market this year. Early produce was set out in abundance: lettuce, swiss chard, kale, asparagus and strawberries. But the first booth I came to had flowers and plants, both annuals and perennials. When I saw the sweet williams, I wanted two…
Living Well, Reflecting on the Psalms
Every morning my husband and I read a Psalm together before we begin the day. Today we are on Psalm 115. We have read psalms of praise, lament and remembrance. Memories of crossing the Red Sea and the years in the Wilderness are recorded. God’s power over the Red Sea…
Thoughts of Spring on a Cold Day
It’s cold outside. Our thermometer reads -5 degrees. We have almost a foot of snow on the ground and when I went outside to take a picture my fingers became stiff in minutes. It is winter but spring will come. I have begun receiving seed catalogues. My thoughts turn to…
Colorful Foliage and Flowers in Northern Michigan
A week ago my husband and I were in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. We had six days mostly off the grid, reading and doing small projects. The day that we arrived it was raining. It rained a couple more days. One night we had thunder, lightening and a heavy…
Garden Notes: The Plants, Animals and Pests in My Yard
From spring to fall the garden is a place of wonder, amusement and challenge. Here are thirteen examples. The tulips are one of the first blooms in my yard. The scent of the lily of the valley is pleasing. I love how the little bells peek out from the green…
Abundant Berries: a Recipe for Black Raspberry & Blueberry Pie
The berries in my backyard are abundant . . . and so are the Japanese beetles. The upper leaves of my cherry tree were eaten, just the skeleton of leaf veins left. So pretty but so destructive! I have even been up on a ladder, shaking the branches of the…
Healthy Homemade Applesauce
Apples, fresh from the orchard, are one of the blessings in September. I enjoy making applesauce for the grandchildren. Each year I get a little more efficient. Two appliances have simplified the process of making applesauce for me: a crock pot and a victorio strainer. What is a victorio strainer?…
Pregnant Creation: We Have Much to Anticipate!
For the creation waits with eager longing for the revealing of the sons of God. Romans 8: 19 ESV All around us we observe a pregnant creation. The difficult times of pain throughout the world are simply birth pangs. But it’s not only around us; it’s within us. The Spirit…
Scenes from the Keweenaw Peninsula
We just returned from a trip to the Keweenaw peninsula of northern Michigan. Calumet (the town where my father grew up) is now a part of the Keweenaw National Historic Park. Copper World is on the main street of Calumet. The shop still sells my novel. The Rosetta Cafe is…