• Faith

    Beginning the Year in the Word

    We have a framed verse from Isaiah on our wall. It is a reminder of the steadfast love of God. Our relationship with God guides us day by day, despite disruptions and chaos in our world. One of the ways that we nurture a relationship with God is through his…

  • Abortion - Childbirth - Faith - Sexuality

    Tears for Loss of Life

    Sadness and tears. It is how I feel for the loss of life. Many in our country have an extreme view of reproductive rights. Individual choices and success take precedent over the gift of life that God gives. My husband and I are reading through the book of Ezekiel. I can’t…

  • Abortion - Women

    1865 and 2022: The Decisions

    In 2013 the movie, Lincoln, was released. I saw it twice in the theater. I learned about President Lincoln’s perseverance in getting the thirteenth amendment to the constitution passed–the amendment that abolished slavery. It was a tough fight because slavery had become woven into the fabric of our nation. The economy…

  • Children - Faith - Family

    It’s Okay to be Different

    Currently I am studying the book of Deuteronomy. The nation of Israel was about to enter the promised land and Moses was giving instructions to the people. In the book, the word— fear— appears 29 times. Israel is instructed to fear (revere) God and NOT to fear man. It is…