As a nurse I have worked in labor/delivery units, neonatal intensive care and homebirth. Support for human life is deeply threaded through my experiences. When my son was gravely ill with leukemia, we fought for his life. To purposely kill new life is shocking to me. I am saddened when…
What Do the Signs Say?
Today men and women, teens and children will be marching in Washington D.C. It doesn’t matter that it is very cold with the prospect of more snow. Today is the 51st anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision. The marchers will be carrying signs. What do the signs say? LET THEIR…
No Simple Solutions
Today the 50th March for Life is taking place in Washington D.C. In 1973 the Supreme Court (nine men) made the decision that abortion is a human right based on right to privacy. Although the decision has been questioned over the years, there was doubt that it could be overturned. Last…
Seven Gutsy Women
Our pastor has begun a series of messages from the book of Exodus and he pointed out the strong women mentioned in the first two chapters of this book. When the Egyptian King decreed that the Hebrew midwives should kill all Hebrew male babies Shiprah and Puah did not obey…
Five Ways to Support the Choice for Life
On Friday (1/27) the March for Life will take place in Washington D.C. Every year, after the ruling on Roe v. Wade was handed down, people have marched to the Supreme Court in protest. God is the giver of life. We should support all life. Events recorded in the Bible…
Celebrating Life on Planned Parenthood’s Anniversary
As Planned Parenthood celebrates their 100 year anniversary, I choose to mourn the lives lost and the wounds that many women carry. Although Planned Parenthood portrays itself as woman’s health care, its most lucrative business is abortion. It masquerades as compassionate care. I give thanks for the growing…
Why I Participate in the March for Life
Sunday is the March for Life in Chicago. For the past three years I have participated in the march that takes place in my community. This year our community is joining the Chicago March for Life. I wasn’t sure that I wanted to ride the bus into Chicago, and so…