The prompt for Five Minute Friday is: MEASURE I usually think about the prompt over night and then write in the morning. In bed I mused about all the ways I have made measurements. As a mom I measured the height and weight of my children as they grew, the…
Good Writers are Readers
Good writers are readers. In order to become a better writer, I read extensively. I read fiction and nonfiction books. I read nursing and midwifery journals. I read the Bible. Last fall I thought that I should read a major newspaper to keep up with the events of the day.…
Book Review: Updated and Expanded LIES WOMEN BELIEVE
Lies Women Believe and the Truth That Sets Them Free stimulated discussion among Christian women when it came out in 2001. I read the first edition many years ago. I looked through it again as I read the new and revised edition. I am so pleased with the new and…
Grace, Mercy and Truth
On Fridays I join the community at Kate Motaung’s blog. We write for five minutes on a prompt. Today’s word is: TRUTH It was one of those nights—I woke up at 2:00 am and could not go back to sleep. I picked up a Bess Crawford mystery, thinking that I…
The Irony of Refined Sugar
Today I am joining Five Minute Friday. We write fast and free for five minutes. Today’s prompt is REFINE. The dictionary gives these definitions: to reduce to a pure state, to improve or perfect by pruning or polishing, to become pure or perfected. When I think about refined white sugar…
Lost! I Need a Map
The traffic on the expressway was light and I was enjoying the book on tape. Suddenly a road sign for a town that was past my destination appeared. I had missed my exit. I had to keep driving until another exit came up. Then I pulled over to…
Seeking Truth with Prayer
Each day, as I listen to the news I am deeply saddened. What is happening in our country? The reports of violence and death shake our sense of security. I think about my grandchildren and the world they are growing up in. Social issues and politics have become so divisive.…