• Book Reviews - Children - Midwifery - Women

    Immigrant Women and Midwives

    A couple of books have stirred my thoughts and emotions. I read a lot—sometimes three books in a week.  I don’t review many. These two books have touched me. The Children’s Blizzard by Melanie Benjamin is historical fiction based on a real event. In 1888 a blizzard came on suddenly in…

  • Book Reviews - Faith - Prayer

    Pause to Pray

    A small group in our church is reading and discussing the book, How to Pray: A Simple Guide for Normal People by Pete Grieg. Grieg introduces the acronym P.R.A.Y. Pause, Rejoice, Ask, Yield. Why do we need to pause? Perhaps that is a silly question when we consider our hectic…

  • Family - Health - Parenting

    The Art of Disagreeing

    When my daughter was in grade school, she had a class that involved critical thinking. She was encouraged to think through problems. When controversies occur, we need this kind of skill. As a parent I have tried set an example of working through the issues our family has faced. It…