• Family - Recipes

    Pasties and Pickles for a Complete Meal

    Over the Christmas holidays my husband I traveled first to Michigan where we spent Christmas with my mother, sister and brother. After a brief interlude at home we drove to a town west of St. Louis, Missouri. We rented a house near Lake Sherwood and all of our children and…

  • Family - Parenting

    The Family is Under Attack

    The school board in my town met, and the community was invited. The federal government—specifically the Office of Civil Rights— has demanded that a transgender student be given full access to female locker rooms and restrooms. The meeting place, a high school cafeteria,  was packed.  Seats      extended to…

  • Family

    First Snowfall

    Friday night we had our first snowfall and by Saturday evening up to a foot of snow had fallen in some areas.  We had a family event,          celebrating our son-in-law’s 50th birthday. The roads were open but snow packed and icy in places. The scene was…

  • Faith - Family

    Thanksgiving and Ancient Questions

      As Thanksgiving approaches, I am aware of so many things to be thankful for—family, church, blogging community and home. On Thanksgiving my husband and I will have one of our daughters and her family, our son and his wife, at our home.  I have ideas for   activities for…

  • Faith - Family

    Country Road with Unknown Destination

    When I visit my sister in Michigan, we frequently have an adventure. Last weekend we had both driven to a community college event. When we left the event her car wouldn’t start. So we hooked up jumper cables from my car to her car, and after a half hour her car…