• Health - Vaccines

    Should the Flu Shot Be Mandated?

    Everywhere I go I see signs for the flu vaccine—at grocery stores, drugstores and in advertisements. Many hospitals are making it mandatory for their staff to get an annual flu shot. When that occurred        at my hospital, I applied for a religious exemption. I had received vaccines…

  • Breastfeeding - Family - Health - Parenting

    Successful Breastfeeding

    As a mom I breastfed my babies–learning more with each child. As nurse and grandma I have had experience in helping new moms to establish breastfeeding. Breastfeeding has many health benefits, but sometimes there are hurdles to get over. I have collected some articles that address problems and best practices.…

  • Family - Health

    Herbal Home Health Care

    This summer my husband and I were in a bulk food store. He wandered around while I chose whole grain flour, spices and coconut oil. He brought a book to me and said, “I think you would like this.” The title of the book is Be Your Own “Doctor” An…

  • Faith - Health - Parenting

    Honor or Riches

    Last week I quoted half of this verse in Proverbs because I wasn’t quite sure what to make of the second line. I was glad to have the opportunity to attend a class on Hebrew poetry. The class gave me new insight. Our teacher, Tim Sigler, gave an overview of…

  • Flowers - Gardening - Health - Herbs

    Calendula: A Healing Flower

    In recent years I have been charmed by the benefits of a flower that has a long history. According to the Complete Herbal Book: This sunny little flower—the “merrybuds” of Shakespeare—was first used in Indian and Arabic cultures, before being “discovered” by the ancient Egyptians and Greeks.* The medicinal qualities…

  • Health - Recipes

    Canning Elderberry Juice

    A number of recipes for elderberry syrup are posted on the internet. I have collected ideas for making the best use of my elderberries. I want to preserve the health benefits for this fall and winter. UPDATE 3/13/2020: Please use caution when taking elderberry syrup during a viral infection. It…