• Children - Health - Parenting - Vaccines

    Always More to Learn

    On Fridays I respond to a writing prompt that Kate Motaung gives. Over the past 24 hours I have mulled over the word given and am finally tapping the keys of my computer. The prompt is: COMPLETE We spent a week at my daughter’s home—taking care of the grandkids, the…

  • Health - Vaccines

    Two Different Viewpoints on Faulty Vaccines

    On July 27ththe Wall Street Journal published an article titled China’s Vaccine Scandal. Parents in China have led protests on behalf of their children. I read through the article noting several paragraphs.      Over the past couple of weeks parents in China have learned that a compulsory public-health program…

  • Health - Vaccines

    Required Vaccine Safety Reports Were Not Done

    Parents have differing opinions about childhood vaccines. That is okay. I am a nurse and my children received the recommended vaccines in the 1980s and 1990s. But my daughter had vaccine reactions and eventually developed fibromyalgia. Because of my family’s experience with vaccine reactions I support informed consent and parent…

  • Childbirth - Health

    Different Environments: New Perspectives

    I am joining the writing community, Five Minute Friday, today. We write for five minutes (or sometimes a little more). The prompt today is: ADAPT   It was a decision I came to after much thought, choosing to work with physicians and midwives that attended home birth. I had worked…

  • Faith - Health

    A New Perspective and Mnemonic for Agape

    Last night I tuned into an online nursing journal club. The article under discussion  was  A Nursing Practice Model Based  on  Christ:  the Agape Model written by Nancy Eckerd. The model is based on the Holy Spirit working through the nurse in her daily encounters with patients. My thoughts were stuck on…

  • Health - Marriage - Uncategorized

    No Thanks Birth Control

    On Wednesday, November 15th, a social media campaign called #ThanksBirthControl went live on twitter. It is interesting that this was taking place while so many stories of sexual harassment were coming to light. What has happened to the way men treat women? All through history there have been problems in…

  • Faith - Health

    New Insights About Health: The Microbiome

    On  Fridays I have been joining the Five Minute Friday community. We write for five minutes on a prompt given by Kate Motaung. Sometimes my thoughts continue a little beyond the five minutes–marked by //. To visit this inspiring community of writers, click here. Today’s prompt is: SUPPORT Yesterday I…

  • Faith - Health

    Speaking Up on Hot Topics

    Every Friday the FMF community writes for five minutes on a prompt given by Kate Motaung. To visit this inspiring community of writers, click here. Today’s prompt is: SPEAK Through my experiences as a nurse, mother and grandmother I have come to believe that minimizing medications is a good thing.…

  • Gardening - Health

    Cucumbers for a Healthy Gut

    When I visited my grandmother as a child she had viili, homemade sour milk, in her kitchen. My mother had been raised with the clabbered milk as a part of her diet.  The slippery consistency of this sour milk did not appeal to me. Now I recognize the health benefit…