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  • Children - Faith - Family

    It’s Okay to be Different

    Currently I am studying the book of Deuteronomy. The nation of Israel was about to enter the promised land and Moses was giving instructions to the people. In the book, the word— fear— appears 29 times. Israel is instructed to fear (revere) God and NOT to fear man. It is…

  • Faith - Family

    A Mother’s Role

    It is a blessing to participate in the Five Minute Friday writing community. We write on the prompt that Kate Motaung gives. Visit the site to meet other writers and to read their posts. Today’s prompt is: JUST The dictionary offers these definitions for just: conforming to a standard of…

  • Abortion - Health

    When Health Care Becomes Perplexing

    Health care was one of the top issues in the midterm elections. According to a letter that I received yesterday from the School of Nursing at the University of Michigan (my alma mater) : We grapple with the knowledge that the United States is the top spending country in health…

  • Berries - Family - Finland

    Traditions and Heritage

    My mother picked strawberries and wild blueberries with her mother, and so did I. My Finnish heritage has given me a an appreciation for berries, wild and cultivated.  Berries are abundant in Finland (37 types of edible wild berries) and an important addition to the diet. Enjoyment of berries is…

  • Faith - Marriage

    Two Are Better Than One

    Today is my wedding anniversary. As I reflect back on 42 years of marriage I am thankful for my husband and the way our relationship has refined us. There have been seasons in our marriage. At first we had to learn to live with each other. Children came early in…

  • Book Reviews - Women - Writing

    The Scent of Water: Book Review

    Perhaps there is a right time to read a book. I started The Scent of Water by Elizabeth Goudge some years ago, but I didn’t finish it. This time as I read the book I was thoroughly enjoying the writing. I lingered over the descriptions of setting, and the interesting…

  • Childbirth - Women

    A Remarkable Woman Doctor

    One of the women I admire provided care to childbearing women in their homes. For four years I worked in a home birth practice that followed the principles of care taught by Dr. Beatrice Tucker. Dr. Beatrice Tucker was the remarkable woman who directed the Chicago Maternity Center from 1931…

  • Childbirth - Faith

    A Joyful Answer to Prayer

    When I assisted at home births I became more aware of the spiritual nature of childbirth. When labor reached a peak intensity, when the woman felt she couldn’t get through one more contraction, she asked for prayer. Sometimes the husband prayed or one of the attendants. I was asked to…

  • Faith

    Verses About Love

    In celebration of Valentine’s Day I have made a list of verses. The Bible has much to say about love. You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. Deuteronomy 6:5 For you, O Lord, are good and…

  • Childbirth

    Birth in a Hotel Room?

    Why would a woman decide to give birth in a hotel? Yesterday WGN News reported 0n a birth that took place in a hotel. The midwife called 911 because the mother needed additional treatment after the baby was born (the baby was healthy). The police were wondering why and how…