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  • Childbirth

    Birth in a Hotel Room?

    Why would a woman decide to give birth in a hotel? Yesterday WGN News reported 0n a birth that took place in a hotel. The midwife called 911 because the mother needed additional treatment after the baby was born (the baby was healthy). The police were wondering why and how…

  • Faith - Family

    Seasons of Life

    There are season of the year and seasons of life.  Being transformed from a young professional to a mother . . . The wonder of motherhood and being stretched in mind and body. So quickly the days scurry by with play groups, preschool and            …

  • Book Reviews - Faith

    Evidence Not Seen: Book Review

    My daughter gave me a copy of the book, Evidence Not Seen. The book is a memoir by Darlene Deibler Rose. She was a missionary to the Dutch East Indies, and was in a prisoner of war camp on Celebes Island during WWII. I knew very little about what took…

  • Health - Vaccines

    First Aid for My Husband

    Sometimes accidents happen, and that can lead to making an informed decision about a medical intervention. My husband came into the living room holding a cup under his left hand. His little finger was bleeding profusely; he was making sure that he didn’t drip on the floor. He said, “Can…

  • Children - Faith - Family

    Building a Home

    It is day eight for #Write28Days.  I am joining the Five Minute Friday Community and will write with Kate’s prompt for today: BUILD. One of the Songs of Ascents in the book of Psalms mentions building a house. The Hebrew word for house in the text is bayith. The definition,…

  • Children - Parenting

    Women in White

    On Tuesday evening a large group of women in congress were dressed in white for the State of the Union address. They functioned as a group; they sat stoically quiet or they looked to each other for cues for when they would clap. They all stood and chanted “USA” when…

  • Book Reviews - Faith

    Pierced and Embraced: Book Review

    Sometimes I listen to the radio when I am in the car. At other times I prefer silence. One day I was listening to WMBI and heard an interview with Kelli Worrall. The topic of discussion was her book, Pierced and Embraced. The discussion piqued my interest and I jotted…

  • Faith - Family

    Imperfect Families

    The Bible has stories about families. Our pastor reminded us that some of the stories show the dysfunction in families (Genesis 27 and 28). In the account of Esau and Jacob, the lies that were told when Jacob received the blessing of his father Isaac demonstrated the divide between family…