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  • Faith - Finland

    The Church in Turku

    Every Friday the FMF community writes for five minutes on a prompt given by Kate Motaung. To visit this inspiring community of writers, click here. Today’s prompt is: PLACE While we were in Finland we visited Turku, a beautiful old city. It was the “capitol” of Finland when Finland was…

  • Gardening - Health

    Cucumbers for a Healthy Gut

    When I visited my grandmother as a child she had viili, homemade sour milk, in her kitchen. My mother had been raised with the clabbered milk as a part of her diet.  The slippery consistency of this sour milk did not appeal to me. Now I recognize the health benefit…

  • Faith - Family

    Trying, Persisting and Communicating

    Every Friday the FMF community writes for five minutes on a prompt given by Kate Motaung. Sometimes the first five minutes of writing stimulates more thought, and I continue on . . . Today’s prompt is: TRY During the past two weeks I had the wonderful experience of attending a…

  • Faith

    Finding Encouragement and Rest

    This past Sunday a portion of scripture from Hebrews was read during our worship time. We sang of God’s goodness, and I was filled with joy. During times of fatigue and discouragement we can hold onto the message in these verses from the fourth chapter of Hebrews. Since then we…

  • Family

    The Joy of Family

    It is Friday and time to join the writing community. Kate Motaung gives a prompt and for five minutes we write fast and free. Today’s prompt is: PLAY God’s design for the family is good. Different generations come together. I am blessed to be a grandmother. I am able to…

  • Faith

    The Blessing of Community

    Every Friday the FMF community writes for five minutes on a prompt given by Kate Motaung. Today’s prompt is: BLESSING Here are my thoughts. Prayers, my own and those of other believers, have blessed me. God hears our prayers. The past couple weeks have been difficult. It has been a…

  • Faith - Family - Uncategorized

    The Lights Along the Shore

    We laid my brother to rest.   For years he suffered with mental illness,    going from hospital to home, to hospital to group home. In February I was with him during a two week time period, spending every day at the hospital. While I was at his bedside he…

  • Book Reviews - Faith

    Book Review: Women Who Move Mountains

    The title of the book drew my attention. Women Who Move Mountains: praying with confidence, boldness and grace. Prayer has been a central part of my life. I was curious about Sue Detweiler’s perspective. The first chapter is titled I Believe: Transforming Fear into Faith.  The  author tells her own…

  • Berries - Gardening

    Owls in My Cherry Tree

    Every Friday the FMF community writes for five minutes on a prompt given by Kate Motaung. Sometimes the first five minutes of writing stimulates more thought, and I continue on . . . Today’s prompt is: EXPECT expect: to anticipate or look forward to the coming occurrence The sweet cherry…