When I was looking over my list of prayer requests, I realized that some of the requests had already been answered. I thought about the ways that I have seen God at work in my life. It is important to remember, to store up our life experiences of God’s love…
Bethlehem and the Women
The account in the Bible of Naomi & Ruth and Elizabeth & Mary is a wonderful part of the Christmas story. The friendship of women and the mentoring of young women by older women is apparent. Because of Naomi, Ruth came to Israel. We have a glimpse into their relationship…
Perfect Love
There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear. 1 John 4:18 On the evening before Jesus’ arrest in the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus demonstrated perfect love. Over the past week I have read and reread chapter 17 in the gospel of John. After the last supper…
Two Women
The Bible records episodes in the lives of families. It is amazing the genealogy that is maintained in detail. The lives of two women mentioned in Matthew 1:5 intersect in a fascinating way. Rahab and Ruth left their country and culture because the were attentive to God’s work in the…
Our Country, the Bible and Families
As I listened to the band play the song for each branch of the army, I thought of my Dad. He had been a co-pilot during WWII, carrying out missions over Europe. He didn’t talk about it much until late in life. My son-in-law was playing the trumpet in a…
Garlic and Rosemary
April showers and sunshine turn my thoughts to the garden. I have started some tomato plants from seed, and next I will start some basil. It is a pleasure to walk outside and see the trees and bushes bud, and then flower. The perennial plants are beginning to sprout. The…
The Promise of Spring
The snowdrops by the door lift upward, sweet and pure, their delicate bells; and soon in the calm blaze of noon, by lowly window-sills will laugh the daffodils! Celia Thaxter (1836 – 1894) The snowdrops and crocuses are blooming in my yard. The cherry tree is still barren but soon it…
Finding Joy in Daily Life
The snow outside is bright white and glistening. The thermometer reads 0 degrees Fahrenheit, and yet I am able to take a hot shower in a warm house. It is a blessing! Everyday there are little and significant blessings in our lives when we pause to take notice. I am…
It’s Not By Chance
This past week we read and discussed Psalm 139 in our women’s Bible Study. We marveled at God’s knowledge of us, our thoughts and actions. Whatever our circumstance, God is there! God knows our beginning. Our life is not by chance. For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me…
The Obedience of Faith
Trust and Obey. The words to this hymn come to me easily. Throughout my childhood we sang it at church. There is a blessing in memorizing Bible verses and singing hymns as a child. The words reside in memory. The first verse about trust that I think of is Proverbs…