• Faith

    How to Have Hope

    The Bible does not shrink from telling us the ugly side of human history. God’s word tells us the truth, and clearly states that God’s desire for us is good. We need to seek God and His ways in every aspect of our lives.  “How you have helped him who has no…

  • Prayer

    Lessons from History: Esther, Adams & Jefferson

    My days are spent in the garden, in the kitchen and with a book. I begin with Bible study—currently the book of Esther. The drama of King Ahasuerus, Queen Esther, Mordecai and Haman is colorful, frightening and humorous. But I am most struck by the steadfast calm and faith that…

  • Faith - Nature

    When I Observe the Robins

    One of the things I miss most during the current shutdown is my weekly trips to the local library. I know, I could get e-books, but I prefer the book that I can hold in my hand. I also like to check the library shelves holding new releases. So, instead…

  • Faith

    Living Word

    In A.D. 64 the apostle Paul was in prison in Rome. The Emperor Nero was persecuting Christians and Paul was facing execution. It is hard to imagine being in these circumstances. What would I do? Paul wrote a letter to Timothy whom he loved like a son. He gave instructions…

  • Faith

    Success, Obedience and the Word

    The women in our Bible study group were amazed (and amused) by the account of men being circumcised after they crossed the Jordan River and before taking possession of the promised land. We are studying the book of Joshua. God instructed Joshua to circumcise all the men that had not…

  • Faith

    A Truth Beyond Measure

    The prompt for Five Minute Friday is: MEASURE I usually think about the prompt over night and then write in the morning. In bed I mused about all the ways I have made measurements. As a mom I measured the height and weight of my children as they grew, the…

  • Faith

    Verses About Love

    In celebration of Valentine’s Day I have made a list of verses. The Bible has much to say about love. You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. Deuteronomy 6:5 For you, O Lord, are good and…

  • Book Reviews - Faith

    Pierced and Embraced: Book Review

    Sometimes I listen to the radio when I am in the car. At other times I prefer silence. One day I was listening to WMBI and heard an interview with Kelli Worrall. The topic of discussion was her book, Pierced and Embraced. The discussion piqued my interest and I jotted…

  • Faith

    Mary and Elizabeth: An Example for Us

    It seems right to start my series for the #Write28Days with two women from the Bible. The first two chapters of Luke tells us about Mary and Elizabeth. They are wonderful examples for us in three ways. Both women knew the old testament scriptures and the prophecies. Even though it…