• Faith - Flowers - Gardening - Nature

    The Promise of Spring

    The snowdrops by the door lift upward, sweet and pure, their delicate bells; and soon in the calm blaze of noon, by lowly window-sills will laugh the daffodils! Celia Thaxter (1836 – 1894) The snowdrops and crocuses are blooming in my yard.  The cherry tree is still barren but soon it…

  • Abortion - Children - Family

    The Gift of Life

    On March 4 the Wall Street Journal had an article that caught my attention. In Aging Japan, One Town Holds the Secret to Making More Babies. The article was written by Miho Inada. Inada explains that people, including Japan’s leaders, are going to Nagi to see this place where parents have…

  • Children - Family - Grandparents - Parenting

    Choosing to be Informed

    This past week I attended a meeting about our upcoming school board election. My husband and I were saddened to learn about the declining level of math and English competency.  That wasn’t the only concern mentioned. Violent behavior has increased. Teachers are stressed. The school board recently voted to go forward…

  • Faith - Family

    Joy Beyond Grief

    Many years ago, I received a small blue book in the mail. On the cover page is a little note. In memory of Steven. A Lamaze instructor, a colleague of mine, sent the book after my son passed away. The title of the book is Heaven, and it was written by…

  • Book Reviews - Faith - Family - Grandparents - Women

    Tending the Family

    Family relationships are a vital part of our life. The fifth and sixth chapters of Ephesians focuses on the family. Chapter five begins with Therefore, be imitators of God, as beloved children. And walk in love . . .  In our human, imperfect nature we have problems in family relationships. We make…

  • Faith - Health - Prayer

    A Healing Event

    For I will restore health to you, and your wounds I will heal, declares the Lord. Jeremiah 30:17a Jesus healed many people during his ministry on earth. In the eighth chapter of Matthew the healing of a leper, the Centurion’s son, Peter’s mother-in-law and two demon possessed men are recorded.…

  • Faith - Family

    Life Lessons from Jordan Peterson

    Have you ever gone to a presentation when the audience gave a standing ovation when the speaker walked out onto the stage? Have you ever seen a speaker appear wearing a suit that is a golden pumpkin color on his right side and a muted blue on his left side,…

  • Faith - Family - Flowers - Grandparents

    Finding Joy in Daily Life

    The snow outside is bright white and glistening. The thermometer reads 0 degrees Fahrenheit, and yet I am able to take a hot shower in a warm house. It is a blessing! Everyday there are little and significant blessings in our lives when we pause to take notice. I am…

  • Book Reviews - Women

    Switchboard Soldiers: Book Review

    There are many novels about WWI and WWII, because there are many points of view, many stories to tell. Recently I found Switchboard Soldiers by Jennifer Chiaverini at the library. During WWI young women went to France to operate the switchboards for the Allied Army. These young women had experience…

  • Abortion - Women

    No Simple Solutions

    Today the 50th March for Life is taking place in Washington D.C. In 1973 the Supreme Court (nine men) made the decision that abortion is a human right based on right to privacy. Although the decision has been questioned over the years, there was doubt that it could be overturned. Last…