Faith in God's goodness and accurate information help us overcome fear.
Lost in New Mexico
During a visit to New Mexico our son suggested that we enjoy a hike at place not far from their home while he and his wife were at work. Carlito Springs Nature Center is just 21 miles southeast of Albuquerque. On a sunny day, blue sky with a few puffy…
Review: In a Different Key:The Story of Autism
John Donvan and Caren Zucker wrote a detailed history of autism, In a Different Key: The Story of Autism. It is a long book, 552 pages, with extensive notes and a bibliography. The book begins with story of a young boy who from infancy did not connect socially. He could…
Faith and Resilience in the New Year
In this new year, my husband and I have begun a plan to read through the Bible in one year. Reading through Genesis we have come across Enoch and Noah. The text informs that both men walked with God. The phrase has stuck in my thoughts. What does it mean…
Loving the Children in 2025
John F. Kennedy once said, "Children are the world's most valuable resource and its best hope for the future."
Musing on Mary’s Response
There is a legend about the virgin Mary and the rosemary bush. Her life took many twists and turns.
Book Reviews: Katharine, the Wright Sister and A Treasury of the World’s Great Spiritual Letters
I have been enjoying this historical novel and Best Regards, a treasury of letters by well known people of faith.
Prepared for the Unexpected
Are we prepared for the unexpected? We have the tools we need.
My Sister’s Cat
Recently my husband and I made a trip to Upper Michigan with my sister and her cat. The cat traveled with us reluctantly. Oh, she settled down in the car when we were on our way. It was getting her into the car that was a problem. This cat is…
When We Pray
According to the gospel of Luke, Jesus said we should always pray and not lose heart