Faith in God's goodness and accurate information help us overcome fear.
Review: In a Different Key:The Story of Autism
John Donvan and Caren Zucker wrote a detailed history of autism, In a Different Key: The Story of Autism. It is a long book, 552 pages, with extensive notes and a bibliography. The book begins with story of a young boy who from infancy did not connect socially. He could…
Loving the Children in 2025
John F. Kennedy once said, "Children are the world's most valuable resource and its best hope for the future."
If We Learn Nothing
Last night we attended our granddaughter’s graduation from high school. Each speaker mentioned the pandemic because these students spent their freshman year at home. Their classes were online. But they persevered and are now celebrated for their achievement. I am proud of my granddaughter’s hard work! My thoughts returned to…
Vaccine Research and Abortion
In 2015 I wrote about vaccines developed from developing babies that were aborted. This type of research has been going on for as long as abortion was legal, as I learned. I came across a link to a Finnish research article that detailed experimentation with live fetuses during abortions. This research…
What We Didn’t Know
Mothers want to do what is right for their children. Sometimes the right thing is not clear. Sometimes important information is not available. As a mom and a nurse with a B.S.N., I did not question the childhood vaccine schedule until I worked with a group of doctors who raised…
Decisions Parents Make
There have been many changes in our culture since my children were little. As the calendar is about to flip to August, school is just around the corner for the grandchildren. My adult children face more difficult decisions than I did. One daughter will have three children in the public…
Persistent About Health
Our health is a gift from God. He has given us an immune system to fight disease. Sometimes we need medical support and treatment. But I am wary of pills, medications and vaccines to treat everything. As a nurse I have observed a movement to develop protocols that are one…
Why Didn’t I Take the Shot?
Our family’s experience with vaccines goes back a number of years. As we struggled with health problems, I prayed for God’s guidance in supporting my children’s health. Here is my story. Like every mother I have pursued health for my children. They all received childhood vaccines, but were prone to…
Repairing Our Communication
This morning I went to the post office and the farmer’s market. The main road on my way is still under repair, being resurfaced. One lane is shut down and it slows down the flow of traffic. But the end result will be an improvement. My thoughts turn to communication…