• Abortion - Women

    1865 and 2022: The Decisions

    In 2013 the movie, Lincoln, was released. I saw it twice in the theater. I learned about President Lincoln’s perseverance in getting the thirteenth amendment to the constitution passed–the amendment that abolished slavery. It was a tough fight because slavery had become woven into the fabric of our nation. The economy…

  • Book Reviews - Family - Women

    Book Review: In a Far-off Land

    When I attended the Law and Life Summit at a conference center this summer, I discovered that the Catholic Writer’s Guild was also meeting. The Guild sessions were open to Law and Life attendees, so I joined a couple offerings. Stephanee Landsem was presenting at one of the sessions. I…

  • Faith - Women

    Words that Shine a Light

    This fall our women’s Bible study will be reading the book of Revelation. The study book we are using is titled Behold, Jesus Is Coming. Revelation is an intense prophetic book. This prophetic book can be intimidating, but the time is right to dig in. The Bible is the story of…

  • Abortion - Sexuality - Women

    After Roe

    The Law and Life Summit met this week in a nearby convention center. I was one of a few non-Catholics in attendance. I have learned from Catholics and respect the deep commitment they have to life. The conference opened with Rev. Frank Pavone (Priests for Life) participating in a dialogue.…

  • Book Reviews - Faith - Marriage - Women

    A Story of Redemption

    The Bible records remarkable human stories. Rahab was a harlot living in Jericho. She had heard about the God of Israel and she believed what she heard.  And Joshua the son of Nun sent two men secretly from Shittim as spies, saying, “Go, view the land, especially Jericho.” And they went…

  • Childbirth - Children - Grandparents - Women

    New Life in a Broken World

    In the weeks preparing to visit our new grandson I spent evenings knitting—first a blanket and then a lovey. Knitting is a calming activity. It requires me to stay focused on counting stitches while following a pattern.  In the heavy season of worldwide troubles, my mind rests while I knit. …

  • Family - Health - Women

    Esteeming Women and the Family

    On Sunday and Wednesday evenings the World Prayer Network meets on the internet. Prayers are raised for concerns around the world. This past Sunday prayers were offered in support of the 34 nations that have signed the Geneva Consensus Declaration. It was encouraging to learn about this document written in…

  • Faith - Women

    Notable Women in the Bible

    The last sentence in the book of Judges points to a time of disarray. Everyone did what was right in his own eyes. There was no accountability. At critical moments in Israel’s history, women’s faithful prayers and actions made an impact on the future. During the period of the judges, the…