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  • Faith

    Why Study the Book of Leviticus?

    The book chosen for our Tuesday morning Bible study is Leviticus. Yes, Leviticus. The over arching theme, above all the sacrifices and laws for food, is God’s holiness. God is holy and human kind is prone to sin. Yet, the Israelites were instructed to be holy. For I am the…

  • Sexuality

    Thoughts About Christine Ford’s Accusation

    The Senate confirmation process for Judge Kavanaugh and the accusation of Dr. Christine Ford have been playing out in an excruciating way. I have been paying attention and musing about the effect of the sexual revolution on our culture. If the incident Dr. Ford described took place I am sad…

  • Children - Health - Parenting - Vaccines

    Always More to Learn

    On Fridays I respond to a writing prompt that Kate Motaung gives. Over the past 24 hours I have mulled over the word given and am finally tapping the keys of my computer. The prompt is: COMPLETE We spent a week at my daughter’s home—taking care of the grandkids, the…

  • Book Reviews - Childbirth

    Book Review: Born for Life

    When I am planning to travel  I  usually  find  a  couple  of  books  for my kindle.  I prefer hard copy books most of the time,  but when traveling   e-books are a great option. I saw the title online, Born for Life: A Midwifes’s Story, and was immediately drawn to…

  • Family - Parenting

    Crowds and the Confirmation Hearing

    Senate confirmation hearings can be boring. Not the hearing for Judge Kavanaugh. While protests where taking place at the Capitol, groups of Students for Life were holding rallies across the country. I watched the confirmation hearing for an hour last week and witnessed the loud protests and interruptions that were…

  • Faith - Sexuality

    When the News is Bad

    Newspapers have been running stories about the sexual abuse by priests in the Catholic Church. The Chicago Tribune has had a series of articles about sexual abuse at Willow Creek Church. The lead article in the current issue of World Magazine addresses sexual abuse in Protestant churches. It is all…

  • Childbirth - Faith

    Finding an Enduring Loyalty

    The Five Minute Friday writing community looks forward to the prompt that Kate Motaung gives each week. We pause to think about the word and then write as ideas begin to flow. This week the prompt is: LOYAL The dictionary offers this, as a definition of loyal: faithful to a…

  • Faith

    We Are Loved

    Our deepest need is to be loved. The Bible testifies of God’s love for us. God’s amazing love! It is good to give thanks to the Lord, to sing praise to your name, O most High; to declare your steadfast love in the morning, and your faithfulness by night. Psalm…