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  • Recipes

    The Best Chocolate Chip Cookies

    Recently I have been going through some old folders and found a copy of a recipe with a story. According to the distributor of the recipe, she paid $250 for the Neiman-Marcus Cookie recipe. Did I ever try the recipe? I couldn’t remember. I had the ingredients on hand—well, most…

  • Faith - Family

    Musing About Family and Privilege

    The snow has come as forecasted and the world outside my door is cold and white. It is a good day to stay inside. It is Five Minute Friday—the day that we take five minutes, or just a little more—to write on the prompt that Kate Motaung gives us. Today’s…

  • Book Reviews - Faith

    Book Review: Finding Grace in the Face of Dementia

    The progressive loss of brain  function  in  Alzhiemer’s  disease  and     dementia is difficult to observe in a loved one.    My  mother’s  loss  of memory and physical skills has been gradually progressing. It would be wonderful to have a knowledgeable and experienced Christian doctor give guidance for both…

  • Faith - Marriage

    Live in Harmony

    It’s Friday and the prompt for Five Minute Friday is: AGREE. We write for five minutes on the prompt that Kate Motaung gives. Sometimes I go over the time limit but I try to stay within five minutes. Marriage provides the opportunity for personal growth, for learning how to work…

  • Faith

    Surrendering in Prayer

    Today a community of writers will take the prompt that Kate Motaung has given and  write  for  five minutes  (or sometimes a little longer).        I enjoy linking up with Five Minute Friday and seeing where the word takes us. Today’s prompt is: SURRENDER Every morning my husband…

  • Childbirth - Family - Marriage

    Talking About Sex

    On Thursday evenings I look forward to seeing the prompt  that  Kate   Motaung has chosen for Five Minute Friday. I enjoy linking up with this community of writers and seeing where the word takes us. Today’s prompt is: INTENTIONAL I was born in the 1950s, before the b.c. pill became…

  • Faith

    Seeking Peace and Focus: Quieting the Competing Voices

    On Thursday evenings I look forward to seeing the prompt  that  Kate   Motaung has chosen for Five Minute Friday. I enjoy linking up with this community of writers and seeing where the word takes us. Today’s prompt is: SIMPLIFY Sometimes the news and political controversies stir up my emotions…

  • Faith

    Finding Inspiration in 2018

    The young men glided and twirled across the ice. Triple axles, quads and dance sequence steps. Occasionally there was a misstep or fall. But they picked themselves up and continued on.  I was watching the  National    Figure Skating Competition on TV. Next month the winter Olympics will begin in…

  • Christmas - Faith

    Mary, Did You Wonder?

    In the past couple weeks I have been feeding, swaddling and cuddling an infant. And I have thought about Mary. The account in Luke tells about the angel’s appearance and promise “You shall call his name Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most…