• Faith - Family - Herbs

    Giving Thanks in 2020

    Thanksgiving was different this year. We exchanged dishes with my daughter’s family but enjoyed the meal in our separate homes. My granddaughter made a delicious bundt cake and dinner rolls. Another granddaughter made the cranberry sauce. I made my traditional cornbread stuffing. We all had a wonderful meal. In the…

  • Grandparents - Prayer

    For the Sake of the Children

    The questions about the integrity of the November 3rd election are troubling. I am most concerned for my children and grandchildren. What does the future hold for them? This morning I read a parable recorded in the book of Luke. And he told them a parable to the effect that they…

  • Faith - Prayer

    Global Reset or Global Prayer

    Last night I didn’t sleep well. I have grief over the state of our country. We are experiencing limited social interaction, censorship, financial pressures and school closures. I am most concerned when I hear world leaders talking about a Global Reset or a New World Order. Del Bigtree had a…

  • Book Reviews

    Historical Fiction: 3 Good Reads

    This year my mind has become weary with the news. The amount of time that I spend watching the news on TV is decreasing and the amount of time that I am reading is increasing. I admit that I have been a bit of a political junkie, and it is…

  • Faith - Flowers - Gardening - Herbs

    Saving Seeds with Hope

    The leaves are falling. Red gold and bronze. I have been raking the leaves, thankful for the outdoor activity. My miniature rose bush has surprised me, continuing to bloom even though we have had some nights of frost. The bright red blooms bring joy. The garden has been put to…

  • Family

    The Year My Vote Was Denied

    During my childhood I was aware of elections and political jingles. My parents voted in every election. It was a citizen’s duty. The first year I was eligible to vote (1972) Richard Nixon was running against George McGovern. I had registered to vote in Ann Arbor—where I lived as a…

  • Book Reviews - Faith

    Year of Disappointment: An Anchor for the Soul

    This year, 2020, might be called the year of disappointment. Everyone has been affected by the pandemic whether it be financially, socially or physically.  The politics in our country has been hard to watch. We have flawed men seeking the presidency. The recent revelations of corruption are disheartening. The bias…