When I go to the library, I tend to pick fiction books over nonfiction. My favorite genre is historical fiction. I like a good story. It takes more effort for me to choose nonfiction. Recently I heard about a book written by Casey Means, M.D. and requested it. In the…
Loving the Children
Over the years I have become increasingly concerned about the health of children. My son, a close friend’s daughter and my college room-mate’s grandson were all diagnosed with leukemia. Cancer has gradually increased in children. Chronic illness in children has increased dramatically since the 1980s. An article in the Journal of…
A Child’s Song
We have a new granddaughter. When we visited our son’s family, we brought gifts for the baby and her big brother. We also gave our grandson a few of the cars and trucks that had once belonged to his father. One truck had the McDonald’s insignia on the side of…
Seasons and Thyme
When it snowed on Wednesday, I realized that the mild fall weather was turning towards winter. Thankfully I had brought my potted herbs indoors prior to the snow. It is a blessing to have fresh herbs year around. I have a sunny bay window that is the perfect spot for…
Elderberries for a Healthy Fall
The elderberry bushes in my yard have been harvested. I have canned elderberry juice for the winter, and I have berries in the freezer. Elderberry bushes have a long history of use. The flower heads in early summer are beautiful. The flowers can be used to make a cordial that…
What We Didn’t Know
Mothers want to do what is right for their children. Sometimes the right thing is not clear. Sometimes important information is not available. As a mom and a nurse with a B.S.N., I did not question the childhood vaccine schedule until I worked with a group of doctors who raised…
Quercetin: A Flavonoid in Onions
Onions are a staple in my kitchen. If I am frying a portion of salmon. I like to have sauteed onions in the pan. Onions add flavor to almost every kind of meat. I place onions in the cavity of a chicken or a turkey before roasting. I have a…