John F. Kennedy once said, "Children are the world's most valuable resource and its best hope for the future."
A Child’s Song
We have a new granddaughter. When we visited our son’s family, we brought gifts for the baby and her big brother. We also gave our grandson a few of the cars and trucks that had once belonged to his father. One truck had the McDonald’s insignia on the side of…
In the Garden
My freezer is full to capacity. The cherries, currants, gooseberries and raspberries have been abundant this year. The raspberry bushes are still producing berries—I have been picking every day for the past week and shared some with my neighbor. A couple days ago I had a surprising encounter among the…
Cover With Prayer
This week my daughter called me with anguish. She and her husband have a difficult situation with their adopted son. I listened and my heart hurt for her. She was looking for advice and I had little to offer. I said her father and I would pray, and we did.…
Family Life in Our Time
It is a gray morning. We have had four days of rain and snow. I am thankful for the daffodils that give a little sunshine. I have been thinking about my grandchildren. My daughters are in the process of making decisions for the next school year. Over the past few…
Equipping Our Family
We live in a challenging time. There are many distractions and deceptions in social media. Do you worry about the influence of our culture on children and grandchildren? I do. What can we do? As we seek God through prayer and His word, He will guide us. When you pass…
Why Choose Life?
In the U.S. state elections this past week abortion was a central issue. Ohio voted to enshrine abortion in their constitution. I am deeply saddened. In 1950 the U.S. fertility rate was 3.5 births per woman. The current fertility rate is 1.78 births per woman. In order to replace/maintain the…
Branches of the Olive Tree
For to this end we toil and strive, because we have our hope set on the living God, who is the Savior of all people, especially of those who believe. 1 Timothy 4:10 The war in Israel is heartbreaking. The situation is complex. As Christians we need to pay attention and…
A March for Children
The Bible has been my guide throughout life. The Psalms provide comfort during times of grief. The Proverbs offer instruction. The gospels, written by Matthew, Mark Luke and John show the life and way of Jesus. All the books in the Bible teach about God’s desire for us. I am…
What We Didn’t Know
Mothers want to do what is right for their children. Sometimes the right thing is not clear. Sometimes important information is not available. As a mom and a nurse with a B.S.N., I did not question the childhood vaccine schedule until I worked with a group of doctors who raised…