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  • Abortion - Childbirth - Faith - Sexuality

    Tears for Loss of Life

    Sadness and tears. It is how I feel for the loss of life. Many in our country have an extreme view of reproductive rights. Individual choices and success take precedent over the gift of life that God gives. My husband and I are reading through the book of Ezekiel. I can’t…

  • Abortion - Women

    1865 and 2022: The Decisions

    In 2013 the movie, Lincoln, was released. I saw it twice in the theater. I learned about President Lincoln’s perseverance in getting the thirteenth amendment to the constitution passed–the amendment that abolished slavery. It was a tough fight because slavery had become woven into the fabric of our nation. The economy…

  • Faith

    Seven Letters

    The Bible has instruction for individuals, families and churches. God’s desire is for us to flourish and He instructs us in his Word. I have studied the books of the Bible, but I have tended to shy away from an in-depth study of Revelation. There are various and differing theories…

  • Faith - Marriage

    They Shall Become One Flesh

    Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh. Genesis 2:24 Next week the women of our church will hold a bridal shower for a woman in our church. As I looked for the right gift, I…

  • Family - Health - Vaccines

    Repairing Our Communication

    This morning I went to the post office and the farmer’s market. The main road on my way is still under repair, being resurfaced. One lane is shut down and it slows down the flow of traffic. But the end result will be an improvement. My thoughts turn to communication…

  • Faith - Flowers - Gardening - Nature

    Joy in the Garden

    The cosmos flowers are in full bloom. The stems carry variants of color that bend and sway in the breeze. I agree with this quote by William Wilberforce: Lovely flowers are the smiles of God’s goodness. Perhaps the flowers will self-seed and come back next year (I hope). The seed…

  • Book Reviews - Family - Women

    Book Review: In a Far-off Land

    When I attended the Law and Life Summit at a conference center this summer, I discovered that the Catholic Writer’s Guild was also meeting. The Guild sessions were open to Law and Life attendees, so I joined a couple offerings. Stephanee Landsem was presenting at one of the sessions. I…