Today we went to the cemetery and tended the family graves. We planted flowers and walked among the stones marking family members. As I read the names I was recalling family history. My husband’s grandparents immigrated from Holland in 1911. In 1918 they lost three of their children when scarlet…
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New Ideas for the Garden
With lots of time at home I have been able to focus attention on gardening. My neighbor and I have shared tips and little plants across the back fence. I am looking forward to garden produce. This year I have added mushroom compost to the garden to help break up…
Finding Joy in a Difficult Season
In so many ways life is not normal now. High school seniors are graduating without ceremony . . . the elderly are isolated in nursing homes without visitors . . . completely unexpected job loss . . . health care workers are furloughed. Currently I am reading the biography of…
The Pandemic and A Story in Genesis
During the current pandemic the existence of level 4 biosafety labs has come to light. It is in the news that the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease invested money in the Wuhan Lab. We wonder what happened at the lab in Wuhan. And we learn that level…
How Do We Overcome Fear?
Fear can distract us from a life of faith. In my morning Bible study I have been reading about Nehemiah’s leadership in rebuilding the wall around Jerusalem, the city with a temple for God’s presence. The Jews had enemies that did not want them to rebuild the walls. At first…
When I Observe the Robins
One of the things I miss most during the current shutdown is my weekly trips to the local library. I know, I could get e-books, but I prefer the book that I can hold in my hand. I also like to check the library shelves holding new releases. So, instead…
Another Day of Stay At Home
Today I woke up to another day of #StayAtHome and a blanket of snow on the ground. The snow continues to fall. Yesterday a tulip was opening to the sun. Today it is bravely standing tall in the snow. During this period of lock down it is just my husband…
The Women at the Garden Tomb
The dictionary gives these definitions for patient: manifesting forbearance under provocation or strain, steadfast despite opposition, difficulty or adversity. When Jesus was crucified certain women demonstrated steadfast devotion. I have been thinking about them. There were also many women there, looking from a distance, who had followed Jesus from Galilee,…
We Need to Pray Now
My heart aches for our country. This past Tuesday I went to a grocery store at 6:15 am, when the light of sunrise was spreading. It was senior shopping hours. The store opened at 6 am and already many people were there. The tension in the store was palpable. Some…
Women Who Inspire Us
Today is the final day of March, Women’s History Month. The month has been designated for noting the contributions that women have made in our country. This year celebrates 100 years since women were given the right to vote. We remember the suffragettes. Their accomplishment is important, but there are…