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  • Faith

    Active & Steadfast Faith

    So many things can cause me to worry—illness, divisive politics, concerns about friends and family, goals not met. Do I live in fear or do I hold fast to God with faith? The book of Joshua in the Old Testament lays out great examples of active faith. Today I was…

  • Faith - Writing

    The Value of a Critique

    It is so nice to receive compliments and to have the good opinion of others. It is something that I desire. But what about criticism? Recently I participated in leadership training. A coach critiqued the discussion that I led. For ten minutes I listened to the coach list things I…

  • Faith

    Success, Obedience and the Word

    The women in our Bible study group were amazed (and amused) by the account of men being circumcised after they crossed the Jordan River and before taking possession of the promised land. We are studying the book of Joshua. God instructed Joshua to circumcise all the men that had not…

  • Faith - Family

    It Was a Huge Project

    This past week my husband and I visited the Ark Encounter in Kentucky. We were amazed and enlightened as we walked through each deck, observing the design of the ark to meet the needs of Noah’s family and the animals. This ark is built to the specifications in the book…

  • Faith - Family

    The Blessing of Family

    The Bible often mentions the importance of family. The second chapter of Genesis refers to the beginning of a family. Therefore a man shall leaves father and mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh. Genesis 2:24 ESV Frequently throughout scripture the genealogy of a…

  • Childbirth - Women

    Breathe, Pant, Blow

    The Lamaze method of birth has been known for breathing patterns that help a woman to relax and keep pace with labor contractions. I taught breathing patterns to my students. Some women reported that they used the technique during labor. Others said the hospital procedures interfered with their ability to…