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  • Herbs - Nature

    Thoughts of Spring on a Cold Day

    It’s cold outside. Our thermometer reads -5 degrees. We have almost a foot of snow on the ground and when I went outside to take a picture my fingers became stiff in minutes. It is winter but spring will come. I have begun receiving seed catalogues. My thoughts turn to…

  • Faith - Family - Parenting

    An Ancient Call to Holy Living

    In this new year our women’s precept group has begun to study the book of Deuteronomy. As the book begins Moses is reviewing the history of Israel’s release from slavery in Egypt and their years in the wilderness. Then he goes on to give them specific instructions. In chapter six…

  • Faith - Health

    Illness, Resilience and Spirituality

    Two years ago I began corresponding with Marguerite Bouvard. She was looking for contributors for an anthology on illness and faith. I offered to write a chapter about my family’s experience caring for our son during his treatment for leukemia. We continued to e-mail back and forth. I wrote my…

  • Childbirth - Christmas - Faith

    When Pain Leads to Prayer

    After Eve disobeyed God in the Garden of Eden God said, I will greatly increase your pain in childbearing; withpain you will give birth to children. Genesis 3:16 Was this a punishment or a way of reminding Eve to seek God’s help? In my own life, periods of suffering have motivated me…

  • Book Reviews

    Memorable Books that I read in 2018

    The local libraries are a wonderful resource. Many of the books I have read this year were from the library. Others I purchased or received as gifts. Here are some that were enlightening, thought provoking or an engaging read. Finding Grace in the Face of Dementia Dr. Dunlop explains the…

  • Faith - Family

    Jesus and the Family

    This advent season we have attended beautiful concerts. Our grandchildren participated in a Christmas program at their church. The fours & fives sang Away in a Manger. Older children read scripture and sang additional Christmas carols. Advent is a time to share the celebration of Christ’s birth with others.  I…

  • Christmas - Faith

    Deep and Time Honored Messages of Hope

    In the past few months my husband and I have been worshipping on Sunday mornings with a church plant. We gather in a room of a nearby hotel. The musically talented members of our group lead the singing. Sometimes our singing is accompanied by keyboard, by violin or acapella. We…

  • Book Reviews - Health

    Every Baby is Valuable

    My daughter gave me the book, The Strange Case of Dr. Couney: How a Mysterious European Showman Saved thousands of American Babies. The cover of the book suited the title. The book is an attempt to follow the life and work of a man credited with saving the life of…