Today is the 27th anniversary of my son’s passing away and entering eternity. Last year I wrote the illness and faith of our little boy. You can read about Steven here. God has healed the wound in my heart, but it took time. Only when I was far enough from…
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The Color Red in Spring
The robins are back Hopping across the green grass Displaying red breasts. While the cardinals Warble a sweet a melody Eluding my sight. High in tree branches This bird sings a song of joy To the Creator. Linking with Nature’s Notes, Seasons and Sue’s Wordless Wednesday
The Passionate Work of Lilias Trotter and Margaret Sanger
Recently I completed reading books about two women that demonstrated different kinds of passion. I have read the Autobiography of Margaret Sanger, followed by A Passion for the Impossible: The Life of Lilias Trotter. The lives of these two women had some similarities and some great contrasts. Both women came…
Review: God’s Not Dead 2
After a week of traveling to attend to extended family needs, it is good to be back home. This morning I participated in Bible study with dear friends at my church. In the afternoon my husband and I went to see God’s Not Dead 2. Can a teacher…
Morning Prayers
The lives of Dietrich Bonhoeffer and Lilias Trotter are a great inspiration for me. Both spent much time in prayer. Here are quotes from each. The morning prayer determines the day. Squandered time of which we are ashamed, temptations to which we succumb,…
Periods, Pills and Home Birth
Some of the common practices in our culture are worth questioning. As a nurse I like to keep track of health news. I am a firm believer in women learning about their bodies in order to pursue health. I have collected some articles related to women’s health. Verily magazine published…
Sunshine Muffins: Gluten Free
Last weekend I added some apricots to cornmeal muffins. I enjoy creating muffin recipes, a healthy treat for the grandchildren. Muffins are so easy to make. These muffins were moist and tasty–they were a hit on Easter Sunday. Here is the recipe. First prepare the apricots. Simmer one cup…
A Primitive Path at Tent Rock National Park
We visited Tent Rock National Park in New Mexico. I was easy to see how the park had gotten its name. A rocky trail weaves through narrow canyons and continues upward to the peak of the rock formations. A sign at the beginning of the trail was accurate—as…
Easter: A New Covenant
Memories of the week leading up to Easter stretch back into my childhood. I was blessed to grow up in a home where we read the Bible and attended church regularly. Like any family we had problems, but the foundation for my faith developed from hearing the Word of…
Review of Latest Mitford Book
As we drove across the plains of northern Texas we were listening to a book on CDs. John McDough was bringing the characters in Come Rain or Come Shine to life. The book, written by Jan Karon, is the latest in the Mitford series. I have read all the books…