• Book Reviews - Women

    The First Ladies: Book Review

    When I saw that our library was having a book discussion for The First Ladies, written by Marie Benedict and Victoria C. Murray, I signed up. The historical fiction novel is a story of the friendship between Eleanor Roosevelt and Mary Bethune. The book describes the work they accomplished together…

  • Faith - Family - Finland

    Across the Ocean

    When my grandmother was nineteen years old, she came across the ocean by boat. She made her way to Upper Michigan by train. Two of her brothers had settled there. She left behind her mother, father, sisters and brothers whom she never saw again. She didn’t forget them. She wrote…

  • Abortion - Family - Women

    What Do the Signs Say?

    Today men and women, teens and children will be marching in Washington D.C. It doesn’t matter that it is very cold with the prospect of more snow. Today is the 51st anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision.  The marchers will be carrying signs. What do the signs say? LET THEIR…

  • Faith - Prayer

    Daniel’s Example: A Life of Faith

    People of faith are recorded in the Bible. Currently I am studying Daniel who lived in exile. Despite being separated from Israel and living in Babylon, he kept his faith in God. The 9th chapter of the book of Daniel records that Daniel was reading the words of Jeremiah. He prayed…

  • Faith - Prayer - Women

    Women Who Risk: Book Review

    Tom and Joann Doyle have written a book about the testimony of eight Muslim women. The book provides a window into their life experiences. After each women’s story, the authors provide the text of Joann’s interview with her. Women Who Risk was published in 2021. The setting is Syria, Lebanon,…

  • Christmas - Faith - Prayer

    Remember and Give Thanks

    When I was looking over my list of prayer requests, I realized that some of the requests had already been answered. I thought about the ways that I have seen God at work in my life. It is important to remember, to store up our life experiences of God’s love…

  • Christmas - Faith - Women

    Bethlehem and the Women

    The account in the Bible of Naomi & Ruth and Elizabeth & Mary is a wonderful part of the Christmas story. The friendship of women and the mentoring of young women by older women is apparent. Because of Naomi, Ruth came to Israel. We have a glimpse into their relationship…