Faith in God's goodness and accurate information help us overcome fear.
Review: In a Different Key:The Story of Autism
John Donvan and Caren Zucker wrote a detailed history of autism, In a Different Key: The Story of Autism. It is a long book, 552 pages, with extensive notes and a bibliography. The book begins with story of a young boy who from infancy did not connect socially. He could…
Loving the Children in 2025
John F. Kennedy once said, "Children are the world's most valuable resource and its best hope for the future."
Loving the Children
Over the years I have become increasingly concerned about the health of children. My son, a close friend’s daughter and my college room-mate’s grandson were all diagnosed with leukemia. Cancer has gradually increased in children. Chronic illness in children has increased dramatically since the 1980s. An article in the Journal of…
A Child’s Song
We have a new granddaughter. When we visited our son’s family, we brought gifts for the baby and her big brother. We also gave our grandson a few of the cars and trucks that had once belonged to his father. One truck had the McDonald’s insignia on the side of…
The Flowers of New Mexico
When troubles swirl around, I find some peace and rest in prayer (alone and with family), in the beauty of nature and in time spent with children. The curiosity and joy that children have is infectious. We have been spending time in New Mexico, visiting our son’s family. Flowers seem…
Vaccine Research and Abortion
In 2015 I wrote about vaccines developed from developing babies that were aborted. This type of research has been going on for as long as abortion was legal, as I learned. I came across a link to a Finnish research article that detailed experimentation with live fetuses during abortions. This research…
Why Choose Life?
In the U.S. state elections this past week abortion was a central issue. Ohio voted to enshrine abortion in their constitution. I am deeply saddened. In 1950 the U.S. fertility rate was 3.5 births per woman. The current fertility rate is 1.78 births per woman. In order to replace/maintain the…
A March for Children
The Bible has been my guide throughout life. The Psalms provide comfort during times of grief. The Proverbs offer instruction. The gospels, written by Matthew, Mark Luke and John show the life and way of Jesus. All the books in the Bible teach about God’s desire for us. I am…
What We Didn’t Know
Mothers want to do what is right for their children. Sometimes the right thing is not clear. Sometimes important information is not available. As a mom and a nurse with a B.S.N., I did not question the childhood vaccine schedule until I worked with a group of doctors who raised…