• Family

    The Year My Vote Was Denied

    During my childhood I was aware of elections and political jingles. My parents voted in every election. It was a citizen’s duty. The first year I was eligible to vote (1972) Richard Nixon was running against George McGovern. I had registered to vote in Ann Arbor—where I lived as a…

  • Faith - Family - Prayer

    Those Who Love Your Name

    Flowers are still blooming in my backyard. The aster (I think it is an aromatic aster) is a nice surprise. It’s blooming in a pot of depleted wild flowers. The humming birds still visit the phlox and zinnias. My humming bird feeder attracts wasps as well as the humming birds.…

  • Faith - Family

    Why Do We Have the Church?

    Jesus said to his disciples: “For where two or three are gathered in my name, there I am among them.” Matthew 18:20 I grew up going to church with my family every Sunday. My parents were members of a  Finnish Lutheran Church that was part of an association of Finnish churches.…

  • Childbirth - Family - Midwifery - Women

    The Changing Ways of Birth

    I was born in Michigan, and so was my mother. My grandmother was born in Finland. My grandmother gave birth to her children at home. My mother gave birth in the hospital during the obstetric practice of twilight sleep and delivery with forceps. I gave birth by cesarean section. As…

  • Faith - Family - Grandparents

    Remembering with Hope

    Today we went to the cemetery and tended the family graves. We planted flowers and walked among the stones marking family members. As I read the names I was recalling family history. My husband’s grandparents immigrated from Holland in 1911. In 1918 they lost three of their children when scarlet…

  • Faith - Family

    How Do We Overcome Fear?

    Fear can distract us from a life of faith. In my morning Bible study I have been reading about Nehemiah’s leadership in rebuilding the wall around Jerusalem, the city with a temple for God’s presence. The Jews had enemies that did not want them to rebuild the walls. At first…