• Childbirth - Children - Parenting - Women

    Three Women and Mother’s Day

    Mother’s Day is on Sunday, May 14. The Farmer’s Almanac gives the history of this day, pointing to three women who promoted respect and support for motherhood. In the middle of the 19th century, Ann Reeves Jarvis sponsored Mothers’ Day work clubs. Her goal was to improve the living condition for…

  • Book Reviews - Faith - Family - Grandparents - Women

    Tending the Family

    Family relationships are a vital part of our life. The fifth and sixth chapters of Ephesians focuses on the family. Chapter five begins with Therefore, be imitators of God, as beloved children. And walk in love . . .  In our human, imperfect nature we have problems in family relationships. We make…

  • Book Reviews - Women

    Switchboard Soldiers: Book Review

    There are many novels about WWI and WWII, because there are many points of view, many stories to tell. Recently I found Switchboard Soldiers by Jennifer Chiaverini at the library. During WWI young women went to France to operate the switchboards for the Allied Army. These young women had experience…

  • Abortion - Women

    No Simple Solutions

    Today the 50th March for Life is taking place in Washington D.C. In 1973 the Supreme Court (nine men) made the decision that abortion is a human right based on right to privacy. Although the decision has been questioned over the years, there was doubt that it could be overturned. Last…

  • Book Reviews - Women

    New Releases at the Library

    It took me just an instant to see a favorite author on a display of new mysteries at the library. Candace Robb has the fourteenth book in the Owen Archer mysteries, A Fox in the Fold. The novels are set the 14thcentury in York, England. Another new release that I…

  • Abortion - Women

    1865 and 2022: The Decisions

    In 2013 the movie, Lincoln, was released. I saw it twice in the theater. I learned about President Lincoln’s perseverance in getting the thirteenth amendment to the constitution passed–the amendment that abolished slavery. It was a tough fight because slavery had become woven into the fabric of our nation. The economy…

  • Book Reviews - Family - Women

    Book Review: In a Far-off Land

    When I attended the Law and Life Summit at a conference center this summer, I discovered that the Catholic Writer’s Guild was also meeting. The Guild sessions were open to Law and Life attendees, so I joined a couple offerings. Stephanee Landsem was presenting at one of the sessions. I…

  • Faith - Women

    Words that Shine a Light

    This fall our women’s Bible study will be reading the book of Revelation. The study book we are using is titled Behold, Jesus Is Coming. Revelation is an intense prophetic book. This prophetic book can be intimidating, but the time is right to dig in. The Bible is the story of…