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  • Faith - Family - Flowers - Nature

    Joy and Thanksgiving in June

    The crocuses and tulips and lilacs have bloomed. Now the irises, lily of the valley and peonies are blooming in my yard. The roses have buds. Springtime and summer teem with new plant life and  flowers, created by God. I have brought some inside to enjoy.  Wednesday evening, I listened to…

  • Faith - Women

    Six Women in the Book of John

    Men and women are created by God, equal with different roles. How did Jesus treat women? He included women in his teaching, he healed them, he encouraged them. In the fourth chapter of John, Jesus meets a Samaritan woman at the well. The encounter is unusual for several reasons. Jews…

  • Childbirth - Children - Parenting - Women

    Three Women and Mother’s Day

    Mother’s Day is on Sunday, May 14. The Farmer’s Almanac gives the history of this day, pointing to three women who promoted respect and support for motherhood. In the middle of the 19th century, Ann Reeves Jarvis sponsored Mothers’ Day work clubs. Her goal was to improve the living condition for…

  • Children - Faith - Family - Prayer

    Eternal Perspective

    Tragic events happen. Yesterday I went to the funeral for a young man, just 31 years old. There were unanswered questions about his death, but the service provided a message of hope. Thirty-four years ago, my son passed away after a two year battle with leukemia. The pain of his…

  • Gardening - Herbs - Nature

    Garlic and Rosemary

    April showers and sunshine turn my thoughts to the garden. I have started some tomato plants from seed, and next I will start some basil.  It is a pleasure to walk outside and see the trees and bushes bud, and then flower. The perennial plants are beginning to sprout. The…