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  • Christmas - Faith

    The Light of Christmas

    Christmas, the day that we commemorate Jesus’ birth, is coming. Last night we attended a concert titled Night of Glory. It was good to pause from my errands, cookie baking, and card writing. I listened to the story of God’s amazing gift, told in song. The concert began with the…

  • Health - Recipes

    Making and Canning Healthy Broth

    Whenever I cook a naturally raised chicken or turkey I want to make the best use of it. After the turkey (or chicken) has been carved and served I save the bones to make broth. The procedure is simple. I put the bones, a few vegetables (a carrot, an onion,…

  • Childbirth - Faith - Prayer

    Prayer: the Antidote to Fear

    There are times and circumstances that overwhelm with fear. Remember the Bible account of the sudden storm on the Sea of Galilee? A huge storm came up. Waves poured into the boat, threatening to sink it. And Jesus was in the stern, head on a pillow, sleeping! They roused him…

  • Childbirth - Faith - Vaccines

    The Cost of Steadfast Convictions

    When I read the prompt for Five Minute Friday today, I immediately thought of Dietrich Bonhoeffer who wrote the book, The Cost of Discipleship. His life portrayed the cost of his convictions. I have read Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy by Eric Metaxas and more recently My Dearest Dietrich by…

  • Children - Health - Parenting - Vaccines

    At the Mall: The VIE Event

    What happened in Washington D.C. last week? The constant drumbeat for impeachment continues and headlines the news. There are many topics, news relevant to parents and families to report. Congress has many issues that should be addressed for the people. On November 14th an event took place on the Washington…

  • Children - Grandparents

    Celebrating America in Grade School

    We settled in our seats to await the beginning of the evening program. We were in the elementary school multipurpose room. The fourth and fifth grade students marched in, led by their teachers, and found their place on the risers at the front of the room. One of the benefits…

  • Abortion - Children - Health - Parenting

    At Last a Child Spoke Truth

    Hans Christian Anderson wrote fairy tales that I read as a child. Recently one of those stories has come to mind. In The Emperors New Clothes swindlers approach a self-indulgent King with a proposal. They have devised a very clever lie with their plot. They tell the King that the…

  • Faith - Nature

    Seeing God’s Artistry in the Fall Colors

    My grandson and I were looking out of the dining room window at the trees. The leaves were changing color. “See the linden tree—the leaves are turning yellow.” My grandson said, “But look at that tree. Its leaves are bronze.” In the distance we could see a tree with orange…

  • Faith - Family - Parenting

    Learning and Teaching Patience

    Patience is a virtue, worth cultivating in ourselves and our children. Some years ago I read an article by Pamela Druckerman that extolled the way French parents teach their children to wait. In her article, Why French Parents Are Superior, Druckerman pointed out that children who have learned patience are…