• Christmas - Family - Writing

    Christmas Community

    Each day I look forward to the mail. It is a blessing and joy to receive Christmas cards and letters. Sometimes it is a photo card and I marvel how the children in the family have grown. Other times it is a pretty card with a letter. The cards and…

  • Christmas - Faith - Prayer

    The Best Expectation

    Throughout the past year my husband and I have been reading through the Bible. Today our reading was from 1 Chronicles and Isaiah. The books we have read clearly illustrate human nature and the problem of sin in the lives of people who have gone before us. After God chose…

  • Family - Health - Women

    Esteeming Women and the Family

    On Sunday and Wednesday evenings the World Prayer Network meets on the internet. Prayers are raised for concerns around the world. This past Sunday prayers were offered in support of the 34 nations that have signed the Geneva Consensus Declaration. It was encouraging to learn about this document written in…

  • Childbirth - Faith - Michigan

    Morning Brings Hope

    As a nurse I have worked through the night and welcomed the morning. Before my marriage I worked in the neonatal intensive care unit at the University of Michigan (Holden Unit). I worked the night shift, 7 pm to 7 am.  Around 5am we took turns walking along a corridor…

  • Faith - Prayer

    Still Believing in Difficult Times

    During a difficult season of life our faith in God can be shaken. What has helped people in the past? We have examples in the Bible that point to communication/relationship with God and the experience of love and acceptance. We are blessed to have God’s word—the Bible. Moses and Elijah…

  • Faith - Family

    An Old Irish Hymn

    The garden is a place where my mind is at rest. Sometimes when I am troubled the words of a hymn come to mind. A hymn that I sang as a child–the words imprinted in my memory. It is good for the church to sing hymns. It is good for…

  • Faith - Family

    Invitation to the Family of God

    Today’s prompt for Five Minute Friday is complete. My thoughts went to the first epistle of John. My Wednesday morning Bible study just reviewed the first chapter.  And we are writing these things that our joy may be complete. 1 John 1:4 John, the beloved disciple, gave us the gospel of John…