The Bible records episodes in the lives of families. It is amazing the genealogy that is maintained in detail. The lives of two women mentioned in Matthew 1:5 intersect in a fascinating way. Rahab and Ruth left their country and culture because the were attentive to God’s work in the…
Family Time by Lake Superior
Last week we were in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan with our married children and the grandchildren. It was a delight to watch the grandkids enjoy being out in nature, spending precious time with their cousins. I watched the older cousins flock around the youngest. We enjoyed picnics along the…
Our Country, the Bible and Families
As I listened to the band play the song for each branch of the army, I thought of my Dad. He had been a co-pilot during WWII, carrying out missions over Europe. He didn’t talk about it much until late in life. My son-in-law was playing the trumpet in a…
Praise and Thanksgiving
This morning in church we sang the hymn All Creatures of Our God and King. The words, originally by Francis of Assisi, were paraphrased by Thomas Ken (1637 – 1711) and translated by William H. Draper (1855 -1 933). Here are verses 1 & 3. All creatures of our God and…
Book Review: The Mitford Affair
The years between World War I and World War II offer thought provoking events and perspectives. Marie Benedict has written a historical novel, The Mitford Affair, published in 2023. The book looks at one family’s views and alignments during a confusing political time period. The Mitford family had six daughters…
Beautiful U.P. and Wild Thimbleberries
The Upper Peninsula of Michigan is a place of refreshment for me. I have lots of family memories. When I was a child, my family made a trip to the U.P. every summer, to visit my grandparents, aunt, uncle, and cousins. During a couple of these vacation trips, my Dad…
Sunshine and Sunset
Recently my husband and I drove through the rolling hills of western Illinois. The sunshine fell softly on the farms and the cattle grazing on the green hills. It was a beautiful day, and we were on our way to a retreat with our church family. We had two and…
Miners, Pasties and Books
My grandfather was a copper miner in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. He worked in the mines until he retired. Copper hidden deep in the earth was contained in rock that was blasted, brought to the surface and then processed to remove the copper concentrate. What was it like for…
Joy and Thanksgiving in June
The crocuses and tulips and lilacs have bloomed. Now the irises, lily of the valley and peonies are blooming in my yard. The roses have buds. Springtime and summer teem with new plant life and flowers, created by God. I have brought some inside to enjoy. Wednesday evening, I listened to…
Public, Private or Home School?
Throughout the past year I have thought about our education system. We pay taxes for public schools. What is the return for the money? I am grateful for the education that I received in the public school system in the 1950s and 60s. I had classes in art and music…