Spring is unfolding wonders all around. The cherry tree has blossomed and promises abundant cherries. The lilacs and lily of the valley are in bloom. A robin has built a nest in our garden shed. While my husband and I recovered from covid, the garden shed was an undisturbed place…
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A Story About Family: Finding Dorothy
Finding Dorothy by Elizabeth Letts is a well-researched historical novel. It is a story about family and The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. I have seen the movie but have never read L. Frank Baum’s book, which is a central narrative in the novel. Letts’ novel features Matilda Joslyn Gage, heavily…
The Year of the Supreme Court Decision
During the first year of my nursing practice Roe v. Wade was decided. In 1973 I was working for a city hospital in a busy labor/delivery unit (500 births per month). The unit was staffed with resident doctors, attending physicians and nurses. At the beginning of each shift, we received…
What Should We do When Change is All Around?
Our world, our country is changing at a fast pace. Many of the boundaries for healthy living are being discarded. It more important than ever to keep God’s word fresh in our mind, to teach it to our children and grandchildren. God’s desire for us is good but we must…
The Race of a Faithful Life
This week in our women’s Bible study we were discussing Romans 5. We had a discussion about verses 3 and 4. Not only that, but we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, ESV How can we rejoice in suffering? Several…
When we Visited Jerusalem
Ten years ago, my husband and I went on a tour of Israel with friends from our church. We went by bus from north to south and ended our travel in Jerusalem. In a previous blog I wrote about visiting the Church of St. Peter. Bright pink flowers on a…
Seeking and Finding
When we pause to notice creation all around, us we become aware of provisions that demonstrate God’s love. Along the coast of Lake Superior, a bluebell flower emerges among the rocks. Along a path a trillium with petals sways in the breeze. The flowers appear on the earth, the time…
Beginning the Day with Morning Coffee
In 2016 I wrote a blog post commemorating our anniversary (and our morning coffee). I was brought back six years as I read the post. Since then changes have taken place. My mother and brother have both passed away. I am no longer travelling to Michigan every other month. They are…
The Joy of Springtime
The rhythm that God has set in place give me a sense of stability and peace. He created days, nights, weeks and months. And God said, “Let there be lights in the expanse of the heavens to separate the day from the night. And let them be for signs and…
New Life in a Broken World
In the weeks preparing to visit our new grandson I spent evenings knitting—first a blanket and then a lovey. Knitting is a calming activity. It requires me to stay focused on counting stitches while following a pattern. In the heavy season of worldwide troubles, my mind rests while I knit. …