• Children - Faith - Family - Grandparents - Parenting

    A March for Children

    The Bible has been my guide throughout life. The Psalms provide comfort during times of grief. The Proverbs offer instruction. The gospels, written by Matthew, Mark Luke and John show the life and way of Jesus. All the books in the Bible teach about God’s desire for us. I am…

  • Family - Gardening - Recipes

    When Zucchini is Abundant: A Recipe

    My mother often had a garden, and my grandmother managed a subsistence farm. So, I am following family tradition with a summer garden. This year the zucchini plant has been producing squash regularly. One zucchini grew to an enormous size while we were on vacation. I was explaining to a…

  • Faith - Prayer

    Perfect Love

    There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear. 1 John 4:18 On the evening before Jesus’ arrest in the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus demonstrated perfect love. Over the past week I have read and reread chapter 17 in the gospel of John. After the last supper…

  • Faith - Family

    Two Women

    The Bible records episodes in the lives of families. It is amazing the genealogy that is maintained in detail. The lives of two women mentioned in Matthew 1:5 intersect in a fascinating way. Rahab and Ruth left their country and culture because the were attentive to God’s work in the…

  • Berries - Children - Family - Michigan - Nature

    Family Time by Lake Superior

    Last week we were in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan with our married children and the grandchildren. It was a delight to watch the grandkids enjoy being out in nature, spending precious time with their cousins.  I watched the older cousins flock around the youngest. We enjoyed picnics along the…

  • Children - Health - Parenting - Vaccines

    Decisions Parents Make

    There have been many changes in our culture since my children were little. As the calendar is about to flip to August, school is just around the corner for the grandchildren. My adult children face more difficult decisions than I did. One daughter will have three children in the public…

  • Berries - Faith - Gardening - Recipes

    Fruit of the Garden

    After I retired from clinical nursing, my work has changed. My work revolves around home and church. Gardening is a pleasant task at home. I enjoy planting and nourishing the garden. It is fulfilling to pick the produce and share it with family and friends. It is interesting that the…

  • Faith - Family

    Our Country, the Bible and Families

    As I listened to the band play the song for each branch of the army, I thought of my Dad. He had been a co-pilot during WWII, carrying out missions over Europe. He didn’t talk about it much until late in life. My son-in-law was playing the trumpet in a…

  • Faith - Family - Nature - Prayer

    Praise and Thanksgiving

    This morning in church we sang the hymn All Creatures of Our God and King. The words, originally by Francis of Assisi, were paraphrased by Thomas Ken (1637 – 1711) and translated by William H. Draper (1855 -1 933). Here are verses 1 & 3. All creatures of our God and…