Cars and trucks zoomed past and I felt quite alone. I was waiting in my car, on the shoulder of the road. My right front tire was very flat. When I called Triple A road service, a recorded voice told me that I was being sent a text message. The…
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Three Good Books
In the Land of Blue Burqas by Kate McCord The author of this book has a pseudonym to protect herself and the experiences that she relates. She worked at an NGO in Afghanistan, providing service to poor Afghan women. She was there for five years. As I read this book,…
Family Life in Our Time
It is a gray morning. We have had four days of rain and snow. I am thankful for the daffodils that give a little sunshine. I have been thinking about my grandchildren. My daughters are in the process of making decisions for the next school year. Over the past few…
The Greatest Love
It is Good Friday. I am remembering scenes recorded in the Bible that show Jesus’ great love. He prepared for his crucifixion with prayer. Then Jesus went with them to a place called Gethsemane, and he said to his disciples, “Sit here, while I go over there and pray. And…
Holy Week: Joy and Pain
Last week we were in Kansas. The sky was blue with some puffy white clouds and trees were beginning to unfurl their leaves. Blossoms were opening. This morning (back home) I woke up to the ground covered in snow and snowflakes still falling. The joy of spring. The return of winter.…
Women with Conviction: Book Reviews
Donna Everhart has written a novel about the Civil War with a unique perspective. When the Jessamine Grows is set in North Carolina (1860s), in an area where there were subsistence farmers. They didn’t own slaves. North Carolina was drawn into the war, expecting residents to support secession. What would…
A Favorite Spice: Cardamom
When I was growing up, we usually had cardamom in the house—a spice necessary for a Finnish coffee bread, nisu. On special occasions my mother made nisu, and eventually I learned to make it. Cardamom grows only in tropical and subtropical zones. It is curious that it is a popular spice in…
Women’s History Month: A Book Review
Throughout history there have been women who have made a difference. The Bible records the story of the midwives, Shiphrah and Puah, who stood up to Pharaoh in the first book of Exodus. And there is Hannah (mother of Samuel), Ruth from Moab and Queen Esther. Recently I read a…
Finding Respite in Scripture
Recently two friends have raised political issues in the e-mails we exchange. One friend wanted me to read a book about the divisions between Christians caused by their political views, berating conservatives. The other friend wanted me to view the documentary about Christian Nationalism. There is so much happening in…
Does it Spoil the Story?
Some novels published in recent years have a new pattern. Instead of telling a story chronologically, chapters can go back and forth in time. It is helpful that a date is placed at the beginning of a chapter. Still, sometimes I am confused. I have also read books with several…